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Please Compile

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Technical User
Jul 28, 2005
Currently away from a Linux box could someone plase try and compile this for me.

[/code] /*
* Proof Of Concept : counting host behind a NAT using timestamp
* To compile this file, you will need the libpcap
* Copyright Elie Bursztein (lupin@zonart.net)
* Successfully compiled on FreeBSD 5.X and Linux 2.6.X
* $gcc natcount.c -o natcount -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib
* -lpcap

#define __USE_BSD 1

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <net/ethernet.h>
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
# include <netinet/in_systm.h>
#endif /* __FreeBSD__ */
#ifdef __linux__
# include <linux/if_ether.h>
#endif /* __linux__ */

#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pcap.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <netinet/udp.h>

#ifdef __linux__
# define th_off doff
#endif /* __linux__ */

u_int32_t addr = 0;

/* chain lists structures */
typedef struct listes_s {
struct listes_s *next;
void *elt;
} listes_t;

/* Structures for TCP options */
typedef struct { u_int32_t ts, ts_r; } timestamp_t;
typedef struct { timestamp_t *ts; } tcp_opt_t;

/* Structures for datas storage */
typedef struct { u_int32_t from, first_timestamp; struct timeval
first_seen; } machine_t;
typedef struct { u_int32_t host, nat; struct timeval first_seen; }

#define DELAY 1

* List functions
int add_in_list(listes_t **list, void * elt) {
listes_t *lst;
lst = malloc(sizeof (listes_t));
lst->next = *list;
lst->elt = elt;
*list = lst;
return (1);

void show_nated(listes_t *list) {
nat_box_t *nat;
struct in_addr addr;

printf("-- Begin of nated IP list --\n");
while (list)
nat = (nat_box_t *) list->elt;
if (nat->nat > 1) {
addr.s_addr = nat->host;
printf("I've guess %i computers sharing the same IP address
(%s)\n", nat->nat, inet_ntoa(addr));
list = list->next;
printf("-- End of nated IP list --\n");

* Function used to get all TCP options
* Simple TCP options parser
int tcp_option_parser(const u_char *options,
tcp_opt_t *parsed,
unsigned int size) {
u_int8_t kind, len, i;

bzero(parsed, sizeof(tcp_opt_t));
i = 0;
kind = *(options + i);
while (kind != 0) /* EO */
switch (kind) {
case 1: i++; break; /* NOP byte */
case 2: i += 4; break;
case 3: i += 3; break;
case 4: i += 2; break;
case 5: /* skipping SACK options */
len = (*options + ++i) - 1;
i += len;
case 6: i += 6; break;
case 7: i += 6; break;
case 8:
i += 2;
parsed->ts = (timestamp_t *) (options + i);
i += 8;
return (1);
kind = *(options + i);
return (0);

* Most interesting function ... Here we can know if a TCP packet is
* coming from someone we already know !
* Algo :
* finc (seconds) = current_packet_time - first_packet_time <- time
* between 2 packets
* ts_inc = inc_table * finc <- our supposed timestamp increment
* between 2 packets
* new_ts = first_timestamp + ts_inc <- new = timestamp we should have
* now !
* Now we just have to compare new_ts with current timestamp
* We can authorize an error margin of 0.5%
* Our inc_table contain timestamp increment per second for most
* Operating System
int already_seen(machine_t *mach, tcp_opt_t *opt,
struct timeval temps)
int inc_table[4] = {2, 10, 100, 1000};
unsigned int new_ts;
float finc, tmp, ts_inc;
int i, diff;

finc = ((temps.tv_sec - mach->first_seen.tv_sec) * 1000000.
+ (temps.tv_usec - mach->first_seen.tv_usec)) / 1000000.;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ts_inc = inc_table * finc;
new_ts = ts_inc + mach->first_timestamp;
diff = ntohl(opt->ts->ts) - new_ts;
if (diff == 0) { /* Perfect shoot ! */
return (2);
tmp = 100. - (new_ts * 100. / ntohl(opt->ts->ts));
if (tmp < 0.)
tmp *= -1.;
if (tmp <= TIMESTAMP_ERROR_MARGIN) { /* Update timestamp and time */
mach->first_seen = temps;
mach->first_timestamp = ntohl(opt->ts->ts);
return (1);
return (0);

* Simple function to check if an IP address is already in our list
* If not, it's only a new connection
int is_in_list(listes_t *lst, u_int32_t addr) {
machine_t *mach;

while (lst) {
mach = (machine_t *) lst->elt;
if (mach->from == addr)
return (1);
lst = lst->next;
return (0);

* This function should be call if a packet from an IP address have been
* found,
* is address is already in the list, but doesn't match any timestamp
* value
int update_nat(listes_t *list, u_int32_t addr)
nat_box_t *box;

while (list)
box = (nat_box_t *) list->elt;
if (box->host == addr)
return (1);
list = list->next;
return (0);

int check_host(listes_t **list, listes_t **nat, u_int32_t
tcp_opt_t *opt, struct timeval temps) {
listes_t *lst;
machine_t *mach;
int found, zaped;

found = zaped = 0;

lst = *list;
while (lst && !(found)) {
mach = (machine_t *) lst->elt;
if (mach->from == from) {
if ( temps.tv_sec - mach->first_seen.tv_sec > DELAY ) {
found = already_seen(mach, opt, temps);
} else zaped = 1;
lst = lst->next;
if (!(zaped) && !(found)) {
mach = malloc(sizeof (machine_t));
mach->from = from;
mach->first_seen = temps;
mach->first_timestamp = ntohl(opt->ts->ts);
add_in_list(list, mach);
update_nat(*nat, from);
return (1);
return (0);

void callback_sniffer(u_char *useless,
const struct pcap_pkthdr* pkthdr,
const u_char *packet)
static listes_t *list_machines = 0;
static listes_t *list_nat = 0;
const struct ip *ip_h;
const struct tcphdr *tcp_h;
tcp_opt_t tcp_opt;
machine_t *mach;
nat_box_t *nat;
struct in_addr my_addr;

ip_h = (struct ip *) (packet + sizeof(struct ether_header));
if (ip_h->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP)
tcp_h = (struct tcphdr *) (packet + sizeof(struct ether_header) +
sizeof(struct ip));
if (tcp_h->th_off * 4 > 20) {
if (tcp_option_parser((u_char *) (packet + sizeof(struct
+ sizeof(struct ip) +
sizeof(struct tcphdr)),
&tcp_opt, tcp_h->th_off * 4 - 20))
if (is_in_list(list_machines, (ip_h->ip_src).s_addr)) {
check_host(&list_machines, &list_nat, (u_int32_t)
(ip_h->ip_src).s_addr, &tcp_opt, pkthdr->ts);
} else {
if (ntohl(tcp_opt.ts->ts) != 0)
addr = (ip_h->ip_src).s_addr;
my_addr.s_addr = addr;
mach = malloc(sizeof (machine_t));
mach->from = (ip_h->ip_src).s_addr;
mach->first_seen = pkthdr->ts;
mach->first_timestamp = ntohl(tcp_opt.ts->ts);
nat = malloc(sizeof (nat_box_t));
nat->host = (u_int32_t) (ip_h->ip_src).s_addr;
nat->nat = 1;
nat->first_seen = mach->first_seen;
add_in_list(&list_machines, mach);
add_in_list(&list_nat, nat);

int main(int ac, char *argv[])
pcap_t *sniff;
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
struct bpf_program fp;
char *device;
bpf_u_int32 maskp, netp;
struct in_addr my_ip_addr;
char filter[250];

if (getuid() != 0) {
printf("You must be root to use this tool.\n");
exit (2);
if (--ac != 1)
printf("Usage: ./natcount xl0\n");
return (1);
device = (++argv)[0];
pcap_lookupnet(device, &netp, &maskp, errbuf);
my_ip_addr.s_addr = (u_int32_t) netp;
printf("Using interface %s IP : %s\n", device, inet_ntoa(my_ip_addr));
if ((sniff = pcap_open_live(device, BUFSIZ, 1, 1000, errbuf)) == NULL)
printf("ERR: %s\n", errbuf);
bzero(filter, 250);
snprintf(filter, 250, "not src net %s", inet_ntoa(my_ip_addr));
if(pcap_compile(sniff,&fp, filter, 0, netp) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error calling pcap_compile\n");
if(pcap_setfilter(sniff,&fp) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error setting filter\n");
pcap_loop(sniff, -1, callback_sniffer, NULL);
return (0);

   * Proof Of Concept : counting host behind a NAT using timestamp
   * To compile this file, you will need the libpcap
   * Copyright Elie Bursztein (lupin@zonart.net)
   * Successfully compiled on FreeBSD 5.X and Linux 2.6.X
   * $gcc natcount.c -o natcount -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib
   * -lpcap
  #define __USE_BSD 1
  #include <sys/time.h>
  #include <time.h>
  #include <netinet/in.h>
  #include <net/ethernet.h>
  #ifdef __FreeBSD__
  # include <netinet/in_systm.h>
  #endif /* __FreeBSD__ */
  #ifdef __linux__
  # include <linux/if_ether.h>
  #endif /* __linux__ */
  #include <netinet/ip.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <string.h>
  #include <pcap.h>
  #include <sys/socket.h>
  #include <netinet/in.h>
  #include <netinet/ip.h>
  #include <net/if.h>
  #include <netinet/tcp.h>
  #include <netinet/udp.h>
  #ifdef __linux__
  # define th_off doff
  #endif /* __linux__ */
  u_int32_t       addr = 0;
  /* chain lists structures */
  typedef struct listes_s {
    struct listes_s *next;
    void  *elt;
  } listes_t;
  /* Structures for TCP options */
  typedef struct { u_int32_t ts, ts_r; } timestamp_t;
  typedef struct { timestamp_t *ts; } tcp_opt_t;
  /* Structures for datas storage */
  typedef struct { u_int32_t from, first_timestamp; struct timeval
first_seen; } machine_t;
  typedef struct { u_int32_t host, nat; struct timeval first_seen; }
  #define DELAY                   1
   * List functions
  int     add_in_list(listes_t **list, void * elt) {
    listes_t *lst;
    lst = malloc(sizeof (listes_t));
    lst->next = *list;
    lst->elt = elt;
    *list = lst;
    return (1);
  void            show_nated(listes_t *list) {
    nat_box_t     *nat;
    struct in_addr addr;
    printf("-- Begin of nated IP list --\n");
    while (list)
         nat = (nat_box_t *) list->elt;
        if (nat->nat > 1) {
         addr.s_addr = nat->host;
         printf("I've guess %i computers sharing the same IP address
(%s)\n", nat->nat, inet_ntoa(addr));
        list = list->next;
    printf("-- End of nated IP list --\n");
   * Function used to get all TCP options
   * Simple TCP options parser
  int             tcp_option_parser(const u_char *options,
                                    tcp_opt_t *parsed, 
                                    unsigned int size) {
    u_int8_t       kind, len, i;
    bzero(parsed, sizeof(tcp_opt_t));
    i = 0; 
    kind = *(options + i);
    while (kind != 0) /* EO */
        switch (kind) {
        case 1: i++; break; /* NOP byte */
        case 2: i += 4; break;
        case 3: i += 3; break;
        case 4: i += 2; break;
        case 5: /* skipping SACK options */
          len = (*options + ++i) - 1;
          i += len;
        case 6: i += 6; break;
        case 7: i += 6; break;
        case 8:
          i += 2;
          parsed->ts = (timestamp_t *) (options + i);
          i += 8;
          return (1);
        kind = *(options + i);
    return (0);
   * Most interesting function ... Here we can know if a TCP packet is
   * coming from someone we already know !
   * Algo :
   * finc (seconds) = current_packet_time - first_packet_time <- time
   * between 2 packets
   * ts_inc = inc_table[i] * finc <- our supposed timestamp increment
   * between 2 packets
   * new_ts = first_timestamp + ts_inc <- new = timestamp we should have
   * now !
   *  Now we just have to compare new_ts with current timestamp
   *  We can authorize an error margin of 0.5%
   * Our inc_table contain timestamp increment per second for most
   * Operating System
  int                     already_seen(machine_t *mach, tcp_opt_t *opt,
struct timeval temps)
    int                   inc_table[4] = {2, 10, 100, 1000};
    unsigned int          new_ts;
    float                 finc, tmp, ts_inc;
    int                   i, diff;
    finc = ((temps.tv_sec - mach->first_seen.tv_sec) * 1000000.
  + (temps.tv_usec - mach->first_seen.tv_usec)) / 1000000.;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      ts_inc = inc_table[i] * finc;
      new_ts =  ts_inc + mach->first_timestamp;
      diff = ntohl(opt->ts->ts) - new_ts;
      if (diff == 0) { /* Perfect shoot ! */
        return (2);
      tmp = 100. - (new_ts * 100. / ntohl(opt->ts->ts));
      if (tmp < 0.)
        tmp *= -1.;
      if (tmp <= TIMESTAMP_ERROR_MARGIN) { /* Update timestamp and time */
        mach->first_seen = temps;
        mach->first_timestamp = ntohl(opt->ts->ts);
        return (1);
    return (0);
   * Simple function to check if an IP address is already in our list
   * If not, it's only a new connection
  int             is_in_list(listes_t *lst, u_int32_t addr) {
    machine_t     *mach;
    while (lst) {
      mach = (machine_t *) lst->elt;
      if (mach->from == addr)
        return (1);
      lst = lst->next;
    return (0);
   * This function should be call if a packet from an IP address have been
   * found,
   * is address is already in the list, but doesn't match any timestamp
   * value
  int             update_nat(listes_t *list, u_int32_t addr)
    nat_box_t             *box;
    while (list)
        box = (nat_box_t *) list->elt;
        if (box->host == addr)
            return (1);
        list = list->next;
    return (0);
  int             check_host(listes_t **list, listes_t **nat, u_int32_t
                             tcp_opt_t *opt, struct timeval temps) {
    listes_t      *lst;
    machine_t     *mach;
    int           found, zaped;
    found = zaped = 0;
    lst = *list;
    while (lst && !(found)) {
      mach = (machine_t *) lst->elt;
      if (mach->from == from) {
        if ( temps.tv_sec - mach->first_seen.tv_sec > DELAY ) {
          found = already_seen(mach, opt, temps);
        } else zaped = 1;
      lst = lst->next;
    if (!(zaped) && !(found)) {
      mach = malloc(sizeof (machine_t));
      mach->from = from;
      mach->first_seen = temps;
      mach->first_timestamp = ntohl(opt->ts->ts);
      add_in_list(list, mach);
      update_nat(*nat, from);
      return (1);
    return (0);
  void    callback_sniffer(u_char *useless,
  const struct pcap_pkthdr* pkthdr,
  const u_char *packet)
    static listes_t               *list_machines = 0;
    static listes_t               *list_nat = 0;
    const struct ip               *ip_h;
    const struct tcphdr           *tcp_h;
    tcp_opt_t                     tcp_opt;
    machine_t                     *mach;
    nat_box_t                     *nat;
    struct in_addr                my_addr;
    ip_h = (struct ip *) (packet + sizeof(struct ether_header));
    if (ip_h->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP)
        tcp_h = (struct tcphdr *) (packet + sizeof(struct ether_header) +
sizeof(struct ip));
        if (tcp_h->th_off * 4 > 20) {
          if (tcp_option_parser((u_char *) (packet + sizeof(struct
                                            + sizeof(struct ip) +
sizeof(struct tcphdr)),
                                &tcp_opt, tcp_h->th_off * 4 - 20))
              if (is_in_list(list_machines, (ip_h->ip_src).s_addr)) {
                check_host(&list_machines, &list_nat, (u_int32_t)
(ip_h->ip_src).s_addr, &tcp_opt, pkthdr->ts);
              } else {
                if (ntohl(tcp_opt.ts->ts) != 0)
  addr = (ip_h->ip_src).s_addr;
  my_addr.s_addr = addr;
  mach = malloc(sizeof (machine_t));
  mach->from = (ip_h->ip_src).s_addr;
  mach->first_seen = pkthdr->ts;
  mach->first_timestamp = ntohl(tcp_opt.ts->ts);
  nat = malloc(sizeof (nat_box_t));
  nat->host = (u_int32_t) (ip_h->ip_src).s_addr;
  nat->nat = 1;
  nat->first_seen = mach->first_seen;
  add_in_list(&list_machines, mach);
  add_in_list(&list_nat, nat);
  int             main(int ac, char *argv[])
    pcap_t        *sniff;
    char          errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
    struct bpf_program fp;
    char          *device;
    bpf_u_int32   maskp, netp;
    struct in_addr my_ip_addr;
    char          filter[250];
    if (getuid() != 0) {
      printf("You must be root to use this tool.\n");
      exit (2);
    if (--ac != 1)
        printf("Usage: ./natcount xl0\n");
        return (1);
    device = (++argv)[0];
    pcap_lookupnet(device, &netp, &maskp, errbuf);
    my_ip_addr.s_addr = (u_int32_t) netp;
    printf("Using interface %s IP : %s\n", device, inet_ntoa(my_ip_addr));
    if ((sniff = pcap_open_live(device, BUFSIZ, 1, 1000, errbuf)) == NULL)
      printf("ERR: %s\n", errbuf);
    bzero(filter, 250);
    snprintf(filter, 250, "not src net %s", inet_ntoa(my_ip_addr));
    if(pcap_compile(sniff,&fp, filter, 0, netp) == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Error calling pcap_compile\n");
    if(pcap_setfilter(sniff,&fp) == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Error setting filter\n");
    pcap_loop(sniff, -1, callback_sniffer, NULL);
    return (0);
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