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PlaySound(...). Can't import winmm.lib?!

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Aug 15, 2002
I'm trying to play a simple wav file using SDK's PlaySound(...) function. Maybe I'm missing something simple here, but I can't import the winmm.lib file for some reason. Here's what I put at the beginning of the cpp file that I want to use PlaySound() in"

#include <mmsystem.h>
#import &quot;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\PlatformSDK\lib\winmm.lib&quot;

I'm getting the error &quot;cannot open type library file&quot;. I know for a fact that it is in that directory. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Your use of #import is incorrect
A .dll is not normally a type library - it might be, but winmm.dll isn't.

Normally, I would add &quot;winmm.lib&quot; to the project settings.
One of the settings is a dialog which allows you to specify the libraries to be searched. There is a long list of standard libraries, and an additional field to specify your own additions to that list. Add winmm.lib to that list.

I'm using MSVC .NET and I can't figure out how to add the library to the project. Does anyone know a resource that will guide me through the process? I'd tried .NET help and couldn't what I was looking for.

How frustrating.
There is a short sample of playing sound, I've written it in ATL:
#import &quot;G:\WINNT\System32\msdxm.ocx&quot;
#include &quot;Debug\msdxm.tlh&quot;
using namespace std;

int main()//ATL
CComPtr<IUnknown> x;
_bstr_t mp = L&quot;MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1&quot;;
HRESULT hr = x.CoCreateInstance(mp, 0, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER);
MediaPlayer::IMediaPlayer2* pdisp;
hr = x->QueryInterface(&pdisp);
_bstr_t fname = L&quot;d:\\music\\Zinciuc - Paganini caprice N24.mp3&quot;;
_bstr_t xx;
hr = pdisp->Open(fname.GetBSTR());
hr = pdisp->Play();
return 0;

Ion Filipski

ICQ: 95034075
AIM: IonFilipski
> I'm using MSVC .NET and I can't figure out how to add the library to the project.

In the configuration drop-down, select &quot;All Configurations&quot;

Select the Linker &quot;folder&quot; and select &quot;Input&quot;

Click on &quot;Additional Dependencies&quot;, then click on the &quot;...&quot; button which appears to the right.

In the edit box, type in the name(s) of the additional libraries.

at the top of the file you can write

#pragma comment(lib, &quot;winmm.lib&quot;)

that will link your application to that library


&quot;There are 10 types of people in this World, those that understand binary, and those that don't!&quot;
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