Hi there,
hopefully you can help me with this.
I have a querystring like ?4=4,23=23,34=34[+ 2 string values]
I create an array (resultsort) and I sort it to redim it without the string values.
Now comes following code:
For iLoop = LBound(resultsort) to UBound(resultsort)
Response.Write resultsort(iLoop) & "<BR>"
con.Execute("INSERT INTO [Rel_Person-Department] (Ref_Person, Ref_department) VALUES ("&ID_Person&", "&CInt(resultsort(i))&"
'response.write("Successful transmitted!"
The Table requires 2 integer values and when I look over the code I cannot spy an error (maybe I have coded too much today already)
However, I get the Error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'
Subscript out of range: '5'
I suppose that '5' must be an error code because there is no value '5' in this array. But I cannot figure it out.
Everything works fine without the con.Execute.
I would be very happy about any hints.
hopefully you can help me with this.
I have a querystring like ?4=4,23=23,34=34[+ 2 string values]
I create an array (resultsort) and I sort it to redim it without the string values.
Now comes following code:
For iLoop = LBound(resultsort) to UBound(resultsort)
Response.Write resultsort(iLoop) & "<BR>"
con.Execute("INSERT INTO [Rel_Person-Department] (Ref_Person, Ref_department) VALUES ("&ID_Person&", "&CInt(resultsort(i))&"
'response.write("Successful transmitted!"
The Table requires 2 integer values and when I look over the code I cannot spy an error (maybe I have coded too much today already)
However, I get the Error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'
Subscript out of range: '5'
I suppose that '5' must be an error code because there is no value '5' in this array. But I cannot figure it out.
Everything works fine without the con.Execute.
I would be very happy about any hints.