Hi,<br>I've been trying this macro on excel<br>Sub Macro1()<br>'<br>' Macro1 Macro<br><br> ActiveSheet.Shapes("Oval 1".Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 13<br> MsgBox "Invisible"<br> ActiveSheet.Shapes("Oval 1".Visible = False<br> MsgBox "Visible"<br> ActiveSheet.Shapes("Oval 1".Visible = True<br> MsgBox "Et TOC c'est magique HIHIHIHIHIHIHI !!!!!!!"<br> ActiveSheet.Shapes("Oval 1".Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 56<br><br>End Sub<br>It works when I try it under VB Editor.<br>When I close vb and run it under excel the message boxes appears but the shape do not get/or not visible, and don't change color either !<br>Can someone tell me why ?<br>Thanxs