Hi everyone!
I'm realizing an Illustrator plugin that tries to save the open document with multiple format.
I'm using 'PlayActionEvent' command, passing as arguments kAIExportDocumentAction, kDialogNone, and a AIActionParamValueRef, composed by three string constants that represent file name, file type and file extension.
No problem when I save a jpeg file: it saves with my chosen file name without showing dialog. But if I try to save other formats (for example PNG) it shows always the dialog and suggest me not the correct file type.
I read "AIFunctionReference.pdf" and it says that the event names along with their corresponding parameter types are documented in the file "AIActionManagerEvents.txt", but i can't find that file, neither on SDK nor on web.
Anyone can help me in finding that txt file?
I'm realizing an Illustrator plugin that tries to save the open document with multiple format.
I'm using 'PlayActionEvent' command, passing as arguments kAIExportDocumentAction, kDialogNone, and a AIActionParamValueRef, composed by three string constants that represent file name, file type and file extension.
No problem when I save a jpeg file: it saves with my chosen file name without showing dialog. But if I try to save other formats (for example PNG) it shows always the dialog and suggest me not the correct file type.
I read "AIFunctionReference.pdf" and it says that the event names along with their corresponding parameter types are documented in the file "AIActionManagerEvents.txt", but i can't find that file, neither on SDK nor on web.
Anyone can help me in finding that txt file?