Hello, I'm using Tcl\TK 8.4 on Windows and I'm trying to create a GUI with buttons, pulldowns, etc... but what I want to do is have my GIF logo as the entire background and have the buttons placed inside the logo. I've tried several variations but can't seem to get the buttons to pack inside the GIF, only outside. Any suggestions?
Here is my code:
wm withdraw .
set w .icon
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
wm title $w "Menu"
wm iconname $w "icon"
image create photo img -format GIF -file C:\\my_logo.gif
canvas $w.image -width 650 -height 300
$w.image create image 325 185 -image img
pack $w.image -side top
frame $w.buttons
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
button $w.buttons.dismiss -text " Exit " -command exit
pack $w.buttons.dismiss -side bottom -expand 1
button $w.b1 -text "Option 1" -width 10 \
-command {exec my_command1_here}
button $w.b2 -text "Option 2" -width 10 \
-command {exec my_command2_here}
button $w.b3 -text "Option 3" -width 10 \
-command {exec my_command3_here}
button $w.b4 -text "Option 4" -width 10 \
-command {exec my_command4_here}
pack $w.b1 -side left -expand yes -pady 2
pack $w.b2 -side left -expand yes -pady 2
pack $w.b3 -side left -expand yes -pady 2
pack $w.b4 -side left -expand yes -pady 2
Here is my code:
wm withdraw .
set w .icon
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
wm title $w "Menu"
wm iconname $w "icon"
image create photo img -format GIF -file C:\\my_logo.gif
canvas $w.image -width 650 -height 300
$w.image create image 325 185 -image img
pack $w.image -side top
frame $w.buttons
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
button $w.buttons.dismiss -text " Exit " -command exit
pack $w.buttons.dismiss -side bottom -expand 1
button $w.b1 -text "Option 1" -width 10 \
-command {exec my_command1_here}
button $w.b2 -text "Option 2" -width 10 \
-command {exec my_command2_here}
button $w.b3 -text "Option 3" -width 10 \
-command {exec my_command3_here}
button $w.b4 -text "Option 4" -width 10 \
-command {exec my_command4_here}
pack $w.b1 -side left -expand yes -pady 2
pack $w.b2 -side left -expand yes -pady 2
pack $w.b3 -side left -expand yes -pady 2
pack $w.b4 -side left -expand yes -pady 2