...do bear in mind that what you see in indesign is just a preview saved with the file from photoshop, if it is high enough print resolution (generally 300dpi) in photoshop it will be fine...
...view you indesign page at 100% and it will look better, when you zoom in too close it will therefore look pixelated...
...photoshop will give you a better display and a more accurate view of quality at 100%, trust photoshop and not indesign or page layout applications previews of bitmap images...
...just to add, avoid resizing or scaling images too high in page layout apps...
...generally you will be ok if the image is around 110% to 120% bigger than actual size...
...any bigger, it is well worth resampling the image in photoshop, you will still lose quality but photoshop will do a better job, bicubic resampling is the one to go for. if you have photoshop cs then use bicubic smoother or bicubic sharper...
...if resampling a screenshot from your computer better results are achieved using nearest neighbour...
All page layout apps default to show a low resolution proxy image so that the layout program responds better. You have the option to alter the view settings in InDesign to show the full resolution image. Check the 'View' menu to change these settings globally or right-click on an individual image to change the view properties locally.
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