Is there a way to create a report template such that the name of the .rdl file from which the report was designed from is automatically placed in a textbox?
Note that I'm not referring to [highlight #F8F8FF][tt]=Globals!ReportName[/tt][/highlight] as that value will change if an instance of the report is renamed on the report server. If a fix or enhancement needs to be done I'd like to know exactly what .rdl needs to be located and modified.
As a workaround, I have set the textbox's Value to [highlight #F8F8FF][tt]Null[/tt][/highlight] and its BackgroundColor to [highlight #F8F8FF][tt]=IIf(Me.Value = "Null", "Red", "Transparent")[/tt][/highlight] in order to call attention to it and alert the developer that they need to manually specify the Value.
Note that I'm not referring to [highlight #F8F8FF][tt]=Globals!ReportName[/tt][/highlight] as that value will change if an instance of the report is renamed on the report server. If a fix or enhancement needs to be done I'd like to know exactly what .rdl needs to be located and modified.
As a workaround, I have set the textbox's Value to [highlight #F8F8FF][tt]Null[/tt][/highlight] and its BackgroundColor to [highlight #F8F8FF][tt]=IIf(Me.Value = "Null", "Red", "Transparent")[/tt][/highlight] in order to call attention to it and alert the developer that they need to manually specify the Value.