Is this at all possible in pl/sql:
I appreciate that you can populate the calue of the select statement into a variable and use that in the if but just want to know if the above is possible in any version of pl/sql.
[blue]DBomrrsm[/blue] ![[bandito] [bandito] [bandito]](/data/assets/smilies/bandito.gif)
[blue]Software code, like laws and sausages, should never be examined in production[/blue][black] - [/black][purple]Edward Tenner[/purple]
IF (select 1 from dual) = 1 THEN
-- Do something
-- Do Something Else
I appreciate that you can populate the calue of the select statement into a variable and use that in the if but just want to know if the above is possible in any version of pl/sql.
![[bandito] [bandito] [bandito]](/data/assets/smilies/bandito.gif)
![[bandito] [bandito] [bandito]](/data/assets/smilies/bandito.gif)
[blue]Software code, like laws and sausages, should never be examined in production[/blue][black] - [/black][purple]Edward Tenner[/purple]