I'm getting back to doing some PL/SQL coding after a break of several years. I'm trying to start with something simple & building on that.
I've got this code which should read in values from one file & write out to another. What's happening is that I don't get all input fields in the output file.
More accurately, if the size of the input file is 2048 bytes then I do get all input fields in the output file.
If there are less than 2048 bytes on input then I get nothing; if there are more than 2048 then I begin to lose
some fields.
There must be some environment setting which is affecting this but I don't know what. (I added "set serveroutput"
hoping for the best but no difference)
(It's Oracle9i on Solaris 9)
Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong? Thanks, Chris
create or replace procedure change_details(
dirname in varchar2,
id_filename in varchar2)
ids_file utl_file.file_type;
spool_file utl_file.file_type;
id_var varchar2(400);
ids_file:=utl_file.fopen(dirname, id_filename, 'R');
spool_file:=utl_file.fopen(dirname,'update_names.lst', 'W');
utl_file.get_line (ids_file, id_var);
utl_file.put_line (spool_file,id_var);
when no_data_found then
end loop;
spool person_ids
set serveroutput on size 1000000;
spool off
I've got this code which should read in values from one file & write out to another. What's happening is that I don't get all input fields in the output file.
More accurately, if the size of the input file is 2048 bytes then I do get all input fields in the output file.
If there are less than 2048 bytes on input then I get nothing; if there are more than 2048 then I begin to lose
some fields.
There must be some environment setting which is affecting this but I don't know what. (I added "set serveroutput"
hoping for the best but no difference)
(It's Oracle9i on Solaris 9)
Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong? Thanks, Chris