I'm trying to write a stored procedure that will loop through a schema looking for a string. I need it to search all tables and all columns. I'm able to get the list of all of the tables and columns to search and then populate a temp table with them. I can't get the syntax correct for building my dynamic SQL statement to search for the string. Does that make sense? Can anyone help?
create or replace procedure find_value (schema_name in varchar2, search_string in varchar2)
--Cursor with all of the columns to search
cursor cur_cols_to_srch is
select dtc.owner || '.' || dtc.table_name tbl_name, dtc.column_name
from dba_tab_cols dtc
where dtc.table_name in
(select dt.table_name
from dba_tables dt
where dt.owner = schema_name
and dt.num_rows > 0)
and dtc.data_type in ('CHAR','VARCHAR2');
--Search results
v_results varchar2(4000);
--Create temp table for the results of the search
execute immediate 'create global temporary table tbl_results_tmp
(TableName varchar2(200),
ColumnName varchar2(200),
ColumnValue varchar2(4000))';
dbms_output.put_line('Temp Table Created');
--Make the search string upper case
search_string := upper(search_string);
--Add wild card characters to the search string
search_string := '%' || search_string || '%';
for col in cur_cols_to_srch
--Some how I need to select from the tables and columns
--and then test to see if it matches the string.
-- If it matches then insert it into the results temp table.
--execute immediate 'select ' || col.column_name ||
-- ' into ' || v_results ||
-- ' from ' || col.tbl_name ||
-- ' where ' || upper(col.column_name) || ' like ' || search_string;
--execute immediate 'select ' || col.column_name ||
-- ' into v_results
-- from ' || col.tbl_name ||
-- ' where ' || upper(col.column_name) || ' like ' || search_string;
--select col.column_name
-- into v_results
-- from col.tbl_name
-- where upper(col.column_name) like search_string;
dbms_output.put_line (v_results);
--If the value in the column matched the string upate the results table
if v_results is not null then
insert into tbl_results_tmp values (col.tbl_name, col.column_name, v_results);
end if;
dbms_output.put_line('Insert Done');
end loop;
--Close the cursor
close cur_cols_to_srch;