Technical User
Hi All,
I need to swap out a PIX515 with an ASA5510. The ASA will take the place of the EoL PIX as an Internet Edge FW with an MS ISA 2006 server sitting behind it. Currently the PIX terminates Remote VPN connections (PPTP) which the ASA will now pass through and the ISA will now terminate them.
Besides moving the VPN termination point to the ISA, can anyone see any other issue that I may experience with the swap out?
I need to swap out a PIX515 with an ASA5510. The ASA will take the place of the EoL PIX as an Internet Edge FW with an MS ISA 2006 server sitting behind it. Currently the PIX terminates Remote VPN connections (PPTP) which the ASA will now pass through and the ISA will now terminate them.
Besides moving the VPN termination point to the ISA, can anyone see any other issue that I may experience with the swap out?