I have an existing workbook that has a bunch of Pivottables based on the same Pivotcache. I made the mistake of not setting it to use enough rows. I am trying to write a macro that changes the pivotcache to use all rows. I receive an error on the red line below. Error 1004 Application-defined or object-defined error.
I am using Excel 2003. Can anybody tell me how to fix this or how to do it manually (short of recreating all the pivot tables)?
I am using Excel 2003. Can anybody tell me how to fix this or how to do it manually (short of recreating all the pivot tables)?
Sub PivotTablesAllRows()
Dim PCache As PivotCache
Dim PCaches As PivotCaches
Dim lngRowStart As Long
Dim strRowStart As String
Dim strColEnd As String
Set PCaches = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches
For Each PCache In PCaches
lngRowStart = InStr(1, PCache.SourceData, ":R") + 1
strRowStart = Left(PCache.SourceData, lngRowStart)
strColEnd = Right(PCache.SourceData, 1 + Len(PCache.SourceData)_
- InStr(lngRowStart, PCache.SourceData, "C"))
[red]PCache.SourceData = strRowStart & "65536" & strColEnd[/red]
Next PCache
End Sub