We have 4 trading companies who often sell to the same Customer
We combine the debtors reports though a pivot table in excel to understand each customers total debt with us. The pivot table shows the amount the customer owes to each company and then sums the group. All that work fine. But we also like to know when they last paid and the amount of that payment
In the summary get the late date using max last date so that s OK. My question is how to show the amount of the payment associated with the latest date in the summary. (as opposed to the max ,min or sum of the latest amount field). In the example $100 is correctly the amount of the payment on the 12/Aug/12 and is based on the date field NOT by summing , or taking the max or min etc of the Amount of last payment field. Can a pivot table be used to show this? Thanks
Customer Sum Outstading Date of Last Pmt Amt of Last Pmt
Big Buyer $1000 12/Aug/12 $100 Our Company 1 $250 12/Aug/12 $100
Our Cpmany 2 $750 12/July/12 %500
We combine the debtors reports though a pivot table in excel to understand each customers total debt with us. The pivot table shows the amount the customer owes to each company and then sums the group. All that work fine. But we also like to know when they last paid and the amount of that payment
In the summary get the late date using max last date so that s OK. My question is how to show the amount of the payment associated with the latest date in the summary. (as opposed to the max ,min or sum of the latest amount field). In the example $100 is correctly the amount of the payment on the 12/Aug/12 and is based on the date field NOT by summing , or taking the max or min etc of the Amount of last payment field. Can a pivot table be used to show this? Thanks
Customer Sum Outstading Date of Last Pmt Amt of Last Pmt
Big Buyer $1000 12/Aug/12 $100 Our Company 1 $250 12/Aug/12 $100
Our Cpmany 2 $750 12/July/12 %500