Hi All
I have come across a weird problem with pivot chart, maybe i am missing something.
I am using a line graph to show monthly spend of particular customers, but i have noticed that the axis values do not reflect the actual value.
for example, x-axis showing value to be almost £45K, yet if i hover over the graph to show the value it indicates its only £10, this is consistant across every customer, is this a bug in access? or have i done something wrong?
Would appreciate anyones thoughts, can email a screen shot if thats helpful
I have come across a weird problem with pivot chart, maybe i am missing something.
I am using a line graph to show monthly spend of particular customers, but i have noticed that the axis values do not reflect the actual value.
for example, x-axis showing value to be almost £45K, yet if i hover over the graph to show the value it indicates its only £10, this is consistant across every customer, is this a bug in access? or have i done something wrong?
Would appreciate anyones thoughts, can email a screen shot if thats helpful