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pitching ideas - good or bad

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Jul 10, 2000
Recently I had an interview with a company who had just started the process of looking at a new position. I know someone in the company that is how I had an interview before the position was even defined. Well as it turns out the programming position is not likely to be needed since they found a product to do the things they wanted someone to program.

Well after my interview and a couple of weeks of talking to them intermittently about the position and where it was headed, I came up with a fantastic (I think) idea that fits in with their current development.

I had prepared a document discussing my idea, however at the last minute (before going to talk to them) I decided against taking it. I was somewhat concerned at giving them too much info about my idea without any guarantee of some kind of return. As a result my discussion with them may have been somewhat lacking (in my mind).

They have scheduled Friday of this week to get back in touch with me. I am wondering if perhaps I should forward the document I have prepared to show them that I am capable of a coherent statement of the idea.

I really believe in the potential of my idea, and if the company I approached is not interested I will pursue it on my own. The problem with that is the time line for me to pursue it on my own is likely to be substantially larger than to be part of it with the aforementioned company.

I don't know what to do. They are a company I am definitely interested in working for, with real potential. I want them to know that but at the same time I do not want to appear desperate.

Advice appreciated. [sig]<p>Crystal<br><a href=mailto:crystals@genesis.sk.ca>crystals@genesis.sk.ca</a><br><a href= > </a><br>--------------------------------------------------<br>
Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing.<br>
-Oscar Wilde<br>
If you fear the idea being taken, is it possible to give an overview of the project without actually giving them anything solid, or is it the *idea* itself if said that could be taken, I think possibly for your benefit you can show them just enough to be interested, also if you think this idea is marketible, print out a bunch of copies and documentations, put it into a good sealed envelope, put a stamp on it, mail it to yourself, so if they do try to steal your idea, under federal law, the date on the stamp proves you were the original person with that idea, well it works to a degree, but in most cases it works, if you fear being ripped off.

Also keep in mind, if this idea is the only thing that they would want, the position should least have a future to continue, I think it depends exactly what position we are talking about, if a software can replace your position, I am kind of baffled to know what kind of software could do such a thing and not require someone like you to manage it. [sig]<p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href= </a><br>Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)<br>
The original position was for a programmer to develop internal management software. They found a package with the tools they needed, so they do no need to develop in house (probably a wise move financially). But they will probably need someone for management of the software and training of the staff, but that is a very different type of position than the one that was originally considered.

The idea is completely seperate from the original position. I just thought that some background would make the idea a little clearer for anyone who would offer some advice.

I am leaning more and more to the plan of sending them some more detailed information. Any more comments over the next 2 days would be greatly appreciated. [sig]<p>Crystal<br><a href=mailto:crystals@genesis.sk.ca>crystals@genesis.sk.ca</a><br><a href= > </a><br>--------------------------------------------------<br>
Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing.<br>
-Oscar Wilde<br>
Well as an update to anyone who might be interested. The company has hired me, as the administrator/trainer/programmer/installer for the new software they are purchasing. I have little doubt that one of the deciding factors was that I showed them I have enough of a mind to come up with an idea that may be very profitable for them in the future. :)

The bonus that goes along with the position is a two week training session in December at a locale much warmer than the one I live in. I guess they are willing to put some investment in me. Now I figure it will be up to me to show them that their faith in me is justified.

Wish me luck!



Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing.

-Oscar Wilde

Good Luck!

also look into if they will pay for future certifications, and you can do the preparation on your own time, kind of what my company does, they even alloted me time to study during work prior to having me take the certification, the certs themselves arnt usally that expensive, its those courses that are (which are usally a read out straight from a 70$ book)
Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)

Congrats Crystal. It's definite foot in the door. I started working here at SBC as a contractor solely so that I could get in here full time. Whatever it takes.

Best of luck to you in the future...

Terry M. Hoey

Ever notice that by the time that you realize that you ran a truncate script on the wrong instance, it is too late to stop it?
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