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Pie chart GD

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Technical User
Oct 4, 2005

Im currently trying to add a pie chart to my website using GD. However when I run the following script the error Parse error: parse error in c:\inetpub\ on line 2

comes up. I have used the following script to create the pie chart. I then use the second script to call the pie chart.

Can anyone help?

First script
$show_label = true; // true = show label, false = don't show label.
$show_percent = true; // true = show percentage, false = don't show percentage.
$show_text = true; // true = show text, false = don't show text.
$show_parts = false; // true = show parts, false = don't show parts.
$label_form = 'square'; // 'square' or 'round' label.
$width = 199;
$background_color = 'FFFFFF'; // background-color of the chart...
$text_color = '000000'; // text-color.
$colors = array('003366', 'CCD6E0', '7F99B2','F7EFC6', 'C6BE8C', 'CC6600','990000','520000','BFBFC1','808080'); // colors of the slices.
$shadow_height = 16; // Height on shadown.
$shadow_dark = true; // true = darker shadow, false = lighter shadow...

$height = $width/2;
$data = explode('*',$data);

if ($label != '') $label = explode('*',$label);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($label); $i++) 
	if ($data[$i]/array_sum($data) < 0.1) $number[$i] = ' '.number_format(($data[$i]/array_sum($data))*100,1,',','.').'%';
	else $number[$i] = number_format(($data[$i]/array_sum($data))*100,1,',','.').'%';
	if (strlen($label[$i]) > $text_length) $text_length = strlen($label[$i]);

if (is_array($label))
$antal_label = count($label);
$xtra = (5+15*$antal_label)-($height+ceil($shadow_height));
if ($xtra > 0) $xtra_height = (5+15*$antal_label)-($height+ceil($shadow_height));

$xtra_width = 5;
if ($show_label) $xtra_width += 20;
if ($show_percent) $xtra_width += 45;
if ($show_text) $xtra_width += $text_length*8;
if ($show_parts) $xtra_width += 35;

$img = ImageCreateTrueColor($width+$xtra_width, $height+ceil($shadow_height)+$xtra_height);

ImageFill($img, 0, 0, colorHex($img, $background_color));

foreach ($colors as $colorkode) 
	$fill_color[] = colorHex($img, $colorkode);
	$shadow_color[] = colorHexshadow($img, $colorkode, $shadow_dark);

$label_place = 5;

if (is_array($label))
for ($i = 0; $i < count($label); $i++) 
	if ($label_form == 'round' && $show_label)
		imagefilledellipse($img,$width+11,$label_place+5,10,10,colorHex($img, $colors[$i % count($colors)]));
		imageellipse($img,$width+11,$label_place+5,10,10,colorHex($img, $text_color));
	else if ($label_form == 'square' && $show_label)
		imagefilledrectangle($img,$width+6,$label_place,$width+16,$label_place+10,colorHex($img, $colors[$i % count($colors)]));
		imagerectangle($img,$width+6,$label_place,$width+16,$label_place+10,colorHex($img, $text_color));

	if ($show_percent) $label_output = $number[$i].' ';
	if ($show_text) $label_output = $label_output.$label[$i].' ';
	if ($show_parts) $label_output = $label_output.$data[$i];

	imagestring($img,'2',$width+20,$label_place,$label_output,colorHex($img, $text_color));
	$label_output = '';

	$label_place = $label_place + 15;
$centerX = round($width/2);
$centerY = round($height/2);
$diameterX = $width-4;
$diameterY = $height-4;

$data_sum = array_sum($data);

$start = 270;

for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) 
	$value += $data[$i];
	$end = ceil(($value/$data_sum)*360) + 270;
	$slice[] = array($start, $end, $shadow_color[$value_counter % count($shadow_color)], $fill_color[$value_counter % count($fill_color)]);
	$start = $end;
for ($i=$centerY+$shadow_height; $i>$centerY; $i--) 
	for ($j = 0; $j < count($slice); $j++)
		ImageFilledArc($img, $centerX, $i, $diameterX, $diameterY, $slice[$j][0], $slice[$j][1], $slice[$j][2], IMG_ARC_PIE);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($slice); $j++)
	ImageFilledArc($img, $centerX, $centerY, $diameterX, $diameterY, $slice[$j][0], $slice[$j][1], $slice[$j][3], IMG_ARC_PIE);
function colorHex($img, $HexColorString) 
		$R = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 0, 2));
		$G = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 2, 2));
		$B = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 4, 2));
		return ImageColorAllocate($img, $R, $G, $B);
function colorHexshadow($img, $HexColorString, $mork) 
	$R = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 0, 2));
	$G = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 2, 2));
	$B = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 4, 2));

	if ($mork)
		($R > 99) ? $R -= 100 : $R = 0;
		($G > 99) ? $G -= 100 : $G = 0;
		($B > 99) ? $B -= 100 : $B = 0;
		($R < 220) ? $R += 35 : $R = 255;
		($G < 220) ? $G += 35 : $G = 255;
		($B < 220) ? $B += 35 : $B = 255;	
	return ImageColorAllocate($img, $R, $G, $B);
function OutputImage($img) 
	header('Content-type: image/jpg');

Second Script
<img src="[URL unfurl="true"]http://localhost/image2.phpdata=10*9*11*10&label=Denmark*Germany*USA*Sweden"[/URL] /> 
is one of these scripts image3.php?

in second script i wound suggest putting a questionmark between php and dataas i'd guess you want data to be available in the query string rahter than a part of the filename?
Hi there,

Iv changed the piece of code as suggested (stupid mistake) So it now reads
<img src="image2.php?data=10*9*11*10&label=Denmark*Germany*USA*Sweden">

However it now appears like I have typed in the incorrect file name. However I know this isnt true as I linked it to a normal image and everything was fine.

Any suggestions

<img src="image2.php?data=10*9*11*10&label=Denmark*Germany*USA*Sweden">
makes no sense. You're opening php brackets and then not outputting php but HTML. Since there's no php in this script, I would just output plain html, or if you want to use php, you should use echo or print.
echo '<img src="image2.php?data=10*9*11*10&label=Denmark*Germany*USA*Sweden">';
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