I'm trying to create a picture slideshow. The idea is that the user presses the play button and the images will start to display one after the other.
I'm using the following code to retrieve the images in the folder and put them in a listbox:
dim fso
set fso = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
dim fldr
set fldr = fso.GetFolder("c:\inetpub\dim fl
set fl = fldr.files
dim X
for each X in fl
Listbox1.addItem X.name, X.name
set fso = nothing
My problem is I need something like a timer, that will replace the image with the next one every 5 seconds or so. All I've seen so far have been Javascript solutions, is there a VBscript solution?
thank you.
I'm using the following code to retrieve the images in the folder and put them in a listbox:
dim fso
set fso = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
dim fldr
set fldr = fso.GetFolder("c:\inetpub\dim fl
set fl = fldr.files
dim X
for each X in fl
Listbox1.addItem X.name, X.name
set fso = nothing
My problem is I need something like a timer, that will replace the image with the next one every 5 seconds or so. All I've seen so far have been Javascript solutions, is there a VBscript solution?
thank you.