Macola v7.5.103d Pervasive/SQL
Windows 98
Pentium II PC, 128 mB
I have a user who, on occasion, prints a pick ticket and not all the products will print on it. The total price on the pick ticket does print correctly on the last page. I'm somewhat reluctant to blame this on the print queue setup or the printer configuration because there is another user who doesn't seem to have any problems and who has the exact same config/platform, etc. One thing that stands out is that this particular user typically has perhaps as much as 10-12 Macola screens (or more) open when choosing to print. In fact, using the Pervasive Monitor utility, right now this user has seven sessions open with 189 handles. Any clues? I can't check Macola's infoMine (maintenance agreement issue). When this problem occurs, here's what the Macola PrintErr.Log says:
20060315 134001 NANCY OEPIKPRT PRINTWIN E 0003 001 99Oct15 04102221 Order Entry \\ServerName\ORDERS_Q 001 2159 2794 Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in P 001 N
Write: Error in Macro PRINTER-WRITE - call to ..Printer Document not started..Print Document
20060315 134001 NANCY OEPIKPRT PRINTWIN E 0000 000 99Oct15 04102221 Order Entry \\ServerName\ORDERS_Q 001 2159 2794 Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in P 001 N
End Doc: Error in Macro PRINTER-END - call to delete PRT..Printer Document not started..Print Document Error
Getting answers before I'm asked.
Providing answers if I can.
Windows 98
Pentium II PC, 128 mB
I have a user who, on occasion, prints a pick ticket and not all the products will print on it. The total price on the pick ticket does print correctly on the last page. I'm somewhat reluctant to blame this on the print queue setup or the printer configuration because there is another user who doesn't seem to have any problems and who has the exact same config/platform, etc. One thing that stands out is that this particular user typically has perhaps as much as 10-12 Macola screens (or more) open when choosing to print. In fact, using the Pervasive Monitor utility, right now this user has seven sessions open with 189 handles. Any clues? I can't check Macola's infoMine (maintenance agreement issue). When this problem occurs, here's what the Macola PrintErr.Log says:
20060315 134001 NANCY OEPIKPRT PRINTWIN E 0003 001 99Oct15 04102221 Order Entry \\ServerName\ORDERS_Q 001 2159 2794 Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in P 001 N
Write: Error in Macro PRINTER-WRITE - call to ..Printer Document not started..Print Document
20060315 134001 NANCY OEPIKPRT PRINTWIN E 0000 000 99Oct15 04102221 Order Entry \\ServerName\ORDERS_Q 001 2159 2794 Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in P 001 N
End Doc: Error in Macro PRINTER-END - call to delete PRT..Printer Document not started..Print Document Error
Getting answers before I'm asked.
Providing answers if I can.