I've got a bit of dilemma here that I can't seem to find a good resolution to.
I've got a small cluster setup with three physical servers connected to an iSCSI san. All working just fine..
My issue is, I need to move these physical boxes to a different office. The VC Manager is a virtual machine that resides on the cluster, along with it's sql database that is on another vm on the same cluster.
I'm trying to think how I could get this all backup and running once it's moved if I can't access the VC Manager. I was thinking of getting it all turned back on and then connecting directly to one of the esx hosts and booting it that way, but those hosts won't have their config with out seeing the VC Manager first right?
I've got a small cluster setup with three physical servers connected to an iSCSI san. All working just fine..
My issue is, I need to move these physical boxes to a different office. The VC Manager is a virtual machine that resides on the cluster, along with it's sql database that is on another vm on the same cluster.
I'm trying to think how I could get this all backup and running once it's moved if I can't access the VC Manager. I was thinking of getting it all turned back on and then connecting directly to one of the esx hosts and booting it that way, but those hosts won't have their config with out seeing the VC Manager first right?