I am trying to troubleshoot a problem where, when some of the users try to run a crystal report exe they can't run it. It works fine for other.
The reports are on the application server and the SQL Server database is on a different box.
Troubleshooting done so far:
1. verified that all the users have equal access in the citrix environment.
2. .crf file in crystal is set to Read only
3. .crf file permissions have been set to full Control.
I am unable to move forward with this. Thanks for your help in advance.
The reports are on the application server and the SQL Server database is on a different box.
Troubleshooting done so far:
1. verified that all the users have equal access in the citrix environment.
2. .crf file in crystal is set to Read only
3. .crf file permissions have been set to full Control.
I am unable to move forward with this. Thanks for your help in advance.