There have been several questions posted about this error trying to be phpmailer running but no definitive answers. Perhaps some php guru can better explain the resolve for we neophytes???
I am using phpmailer to generate email notices to a remote smtp server. I am receiving the message "Mailer Error: Language string failed to load: recipients_failed" and I've done and tried the recommended things without resolve.
This is using PHP 4.3.10 on a SuSE 9.3 Pro server.
Also, wide searches on google and google:groups aren't turning up much help either. Can anyone please shed some insight on this to allow several of us to correct and move forward?
I am using phpmailer to generate email notices to a remote smtp server. I am receiving the message "Mailer Error: Language string failed to load: recipients_failed" and I've done and tried the recommended things without resolve.
This is using PHP 4.3.10 on a SuSE 9.3 Pro server.
Also, wide searches on google and google:groups aren't turning up much help either. Can anyone please shed some insight on this to allow several of us to correct and move forward?