I have a PHP script that sends an email to a user. The email contains a link back to the PHP application (a custom web-based office management suite).
The office manager app requires a valid PHP session before it'll serve up the page that the email linked to (or indeed, any page).
With an active session in the office manager app, I can click the email link in my Outlook email and my default browser (Chrome 21.0.xxxx) takes me straight to the page without requiring authentication.
When my client clicks the same link (also Outlook/Chrome), his active session refuses to serve the page and dumps him back at the login page. His original session is still active, i.e. other windows on the app continue to function.
The session code looks pretty dead simple, though I don't work with a lot of session code:
ini_set( "session.bug_compat_warn", "off" );
if ($_SESSION['user_id'])
header("Location: index.php?error=$error_code");
I have verified that Outlook is passing the correct URL to Chrome by dumping $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] to a logfile at the top of the session handler.
Any thoughts?
The office manager app requires a valid PHP session before it'll serve up the page that the email linked to (or indeed, any page).
With an active session in the office manager app, I can click the email link in my Outlook email and my default browser (Chrome 21.0.xxxx) takes me straight to the page without requiring authentication.
When my client clicks the same link (also Outlook/Chrome), his active session refuses to serve the page and dumps him back at the login page. His original session is still active, i.e. other windows on the app continue to function.
The session code looks pretty dead simple, though I don't work with a lot of session code:
ini_set( "session.bug_compat_warn", "off" );
if ($_SESSION['user_id'])
header("Location: index.php?error=$error_code");
I have verified that Outlook is passing the correct URL to Chrome by dumping $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] to a logfile at the top of the session handler.
Any thoughts?