Hello guys ( and Phil ) as usual this month....
Ok - looks like my css skills fail in here after strugling with the layout of the pics. I have this piece of code:
The problem is : I want to display each picture next to each other but when <?php print "$membersShow" ?> is invoked it prints all the pitures in a vertical row. I tried to place <table> or < td> <br/> within this code - but nowhere it works fine. I know it might be a question for another forum but since it's php I decided to place it in here. Regards...
Ok - looks like my css skills fail in here after strugling with the layout of the pics. I have this piece of code:
$default_pic = "members/0/image01.jpg";
$user_pic = "<img src='$default_pic' width='94px;' height='86' border='1px;' />";
if($i<12) {
$membersShow .='<a href="[URL unfurl="true"]http://localhost/mu/muProfile.php?id='[/URL] . $id . '">' . $user_pic . '</a>';
$membersShow .='<a href="[URL unfurl="true"]http://localhost/mu/muProfile.php?id='[/URL] . $id . '"id="firstnameLink2"><br/>' .$firstname. '</a></tr>';
The problem is : I want to display each picture next to each other but when <?php print "$membersShow" ?> is invoked it prints all the pitures in a vertical row. I tried to place <table> or < td> <br/> within this code - but nowhere it works fine. I know it might be a question for another forum but since it's php I decided to place it in here. Regards...