I am trying to make a PHP/Flash app that allows users to enter stuff via a form and it submits into a database and Flash can read from the database. Inserting information into the database is easy (I am using mySQL btw).
I am having trouble with Flash reading the .php file and echoing the value into Flash.
Here is my code for getting the value out of the database:
$select = "SELECT text1 FROM test";
$getval = mysql("test","$select"
$numval = mysql_numrows($getval);
for($rownumber=0;$rownumber<$numval;$rownumber++) {
$text1 = mysql_result($getval,$rownumber,"text1"
echo "$text1";
And in Flash I have a text field with the name text1. On the first frame of the movie, I have the following command:
loadVariablesNum ("load.php", 0, "POST"
From what I have gathered, this will load the variable(s) from the load.php file. This is not working. When I run the .swf, I get nothing.
Any and all help is appreciated.
-Vic vic cherubini
Knows: Perl, HTML, JavScript, C/C++, PHP, Flash, Director
I am trying to make a PHP/Flash app that allows users to enter stuff via a form and it submits into a database and Flash can read from the database. Inserting information into the database is easy (I am using mySQL btw).
I am having trouble with Flash reading the .php file and echoing the value into Flash.
Here is my code for getting the value out of the database:
$select = "SELECT text1 FROM test";
$getval = mysql("test","$select"
$numval = mysql_numrows($getval);
for($rownumber=0;$rownumber<$numval;$rownumber++) {
$text1 = mysql_result($getval,$rownumber,"text1"
echo "$text1";
And in Flash I have a text field with the name text1. On the first frame of the movie, I have the following command:
loadVariablesNum ("load.php", 0, "POST"
From what I have gathered, this will load the variable(s) from the load.php file. This is not working. When I run the .swf, I get nothing.
Any and all help is appreciated.
-Vic vic cherubini
Knows: Perl, HTML, JavScript, C/C++, PHP, Flash, Director