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PHP form stopped working after 3 / 4 years of working perfectly

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Technical User
Sep 8, 2009

I have a form that has been running for 3 to 4 years without any problems. All of a sudden last week it stopped working. (another on the site stopped working aswell)

It's on a shared hosting platform, so my only guess is that the PHP settings or a server setting has been changed by my wonderful hosting company.

I've asked the question but so far have had no response.

In the meantime I'm hoping someone on here may be able to help.

You can see the php settings by going here:
The code for the script is as follows...

session_start();  // Start Session
header("Cache-control: private"); 

/* checks to see if session is already registered if registered no need to register session */

	$_SESSION['first'] = "true";

	$_SESSION['topic'] = $_GET["topic"]; 
	$_SESSION['id'] = $_GET["id"]; 

		if($_SESSION['topic'] == ''){ 
		$_SESSION['topic'] = "General Enquiry";


if ( $_POST["check"] == 'send')  {

	$name = trim(stripslashes($_POST['name']));
	$lastname = trim(stripslashes($_POST['lastname'])); 
	$laim1 = trim(stripslashes($_POST['laim1'])); 
	$laim2 = trim(stripslashes($_POST['laim2'])); 
	$company = trim(stripslashes($_POST['company'])); 
	$let = trim(stripslashes($_POST['let']));
	$town = trim(stripslashes($_POST['town']));
	$location = trim(stripslashes($_POST['location']));
	$comments = trim(stripslashes($_POST['comments']));
	$mail = trim(stripslashes($_POST['mail']));

if ($_SESSION['id'] == '1'){
include 'includes/description1.php';
if ($_SESSION['id'] == '2'){
include 'includes/description2.php';
if ($_SESSION['id'] == '3'){
include 'includes/description3.php';
if ($_SESSION['id'] == '4'){
include 'includes/description4.php';
if ($_SESSION['id'] == '5'){
include 'includes/description5.php';
if ($_SESSION['id'] == '6'){
include 'includes/description6.php';
if ($_SESSION['id'] == '7'){
include 'includes/description7.php';

$no = array( 'Cornwall' , 'Cumbria' , 'Durham' , 'East Riding of Yorkshire' , 'EastEssex' , 'Essex' , 'Herefordshire' , 'Hertfordshire' , 'Humberside' , 'Isle of Wight' , 'Isles of Scilly' , 'Kent' , 'Middlesex' , 'Norfolk' , 'Northern Ireland' , 'North Yorkshire' , 'Northumberland' , 'Rutland' , 'Scotland' , 'Shropshire' , 'South Yorkshire' , 'Suffolk' , 'Tyne and Wear' , 'Wales' , 'Westmorland' , 'West Yorkshire' , 'Yorkshire') ;
//define automated NO TRAINING email

///////////////////////////////////////////// CHECK EMAIL ADDRESS /////////////////////////////////////////////

		function check_email_address($laim1) {
		  // First, we check that there's one @ symbol, and that the lengths are right
		  if (!ereg("^[^@]{1,64}@[^@]{1,255}$", $laim1)) {
			// Email invalid because wrong number of characters in one section, or wrong number of @ symbols.
			return false;
		  // Split it into sections to make life easier
		  $email_array = explode("@", $laim1);
		  $local_array = explode(".", $email_array[0]);
		  for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($local_array); $i++) {
			 if (!ereg("^(([A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-][A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~\.-]{0,63})|(\"[^(\\|\")]{0,62}\"))$", $local_array[$i])) {
			  return false;
		  if (!ereg("^\[?[0-9\.]+\]?$", $email_array[1])) { // Check if domain is IP. If not, it should be valid domain name
			$domain_array = explode(".", $email_array[1]);
			if (sizeof($domain_array) < 2) {
				return false; // Not enough parts to domain
			for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($domain_array); $i++) {
			  if (!ereg("^(([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])|([A-Za-z0-9]+))$", $domain_array[$i])) {
				return false;
		  return true;

///////////////////////////////////////////// CHECK PHONE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

function isPhoneValid($let) {
 	if (!ereg('^[0-9 ]{7,21}$', $let)){
		return false;	 
 return true;

	if (!isPhoneValid($let)) { $errorPhone = 'true'; $validation1 = 'error';}else{  $errorPhone = 'false'; $validation1 = 'false';}
	if (!check_email_address($laim1)) { $errorValid = 'true'; $validation2 = 'error';}else{  $errorValid = 'false'; $validation2 = 'false';}

///////////////////////////////////////////// CHECK Nothing is missing  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	
	if (!$name) { $errorName = 'true'; $validation = 'error';}
	if (!$lastname) { $errorLName = 'true'; $validation = 'error';}
	if (!$let) { $errorTel = 'true'; $validation = 'error';}
	if (!$laim1) { $errorEmail = 'true'; $validation = 'error';}
	if (!$comments) { $errorComments = 'true'; $validation = 'error';}
	if (!$company) { $errorCompany = 'true'; $validation = 'error';}
	if (!$town) { $errorTown = 'true'; $validation = 'error';}
	if (!$location) { $errorlocation = 'true'; $validation = 'error';}
	if ($laim1 ==  $laim2) {  $errorMatch = 'false'; }else{ $errorMatch = 'true'; $validation = 'error';} 

if ((!$validation == 'error') &&  ($validation1 == 'false') &&  ($validation2 == 'false')){

	//// force format below - first to all lowercase - then to capital 4 first letter of every word ////////////////////////////////////////////
	$Format1Name = strtolower ($name);
	$Format1Name = ucwords ($Format1Name);
	$Format2Name = strtolower ($lastname);
	$Format2Name = ucwords ($Format2Name);

	$email ="$laim1";
	$subject="RE: Training Centre";
	//NOT AVAIABLE AUTOMATED EMAILS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	if (in_array($location,$no)) {
		if (($_SESSION['topic'] == 'HSC Level 2') or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'HSC Level 3')  or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'HSC Level 4')  or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Registered Managers')  or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Management Level 4')  or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'A1 Assessor')   or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'V1 Internal Verifier')){
		$mailContent="Dear $Format1Name,

At the moment we are unable to offer the $topic award in your area.

Below are some websites that may assist you in finding availability for the $topic award in your area

[URL unfurl="true"]http://careersadvice.direct.gov.uk/[/URL]

[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.hotcourses.com[/URL]

If you have any questions or, require further information, please contact us.
Kind regards";
		if (($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Food Hygiene') or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Fire Safety')  or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'First Aid')  or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Health and Safety')  or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Moving and Handling')  or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Palliative Care ')){
		$mailContent="Dear $Format1Name,

At the moment we are unable to offer this training course in your area.

Kind regards";

		if (($topic == 'HSC Level 2') or ($topic == 'HSC Level 3')  or ($topic == 'HSC Level 4')  or ($topic == 'Registered Managers')  or ($topic == 'Management Level 4')  or ($topic == 'A1 Assessor')   or ($topic == 'V1 Internal Verifier')){
		$mailContent="Dear $Format1Name,

Thank you for contacting us

Please find information below about this award.
We look forward to hearing from you.	
Kind regards
		if (($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Food Hygiene') or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Fire Safety')  or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'First Aid')  or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Health and Safety')  or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Moving and Handling')  or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Palliative Care ')){
		$mailContent="Dear $Format1Name,

Thank you for contacting us

We have received your online form and one of our training advisors will contact you shortly

Kind regards

		if (($_SESSION['topic'] == 'General Enquiry') or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Balancing the Personal and Professional') or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Protection of Vulnerable Adults') or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Dementia Inhouse Training') or ($_SESSION['topic'] == 'Challenging Behaviour')){
		$mailContent="Dear $Format1Name,
Thank you for contacting us.
We have received your online form. One of our training advisors will contact you shortly.
Kind regards




	mail($email, $subject, $mailContent,"From: $from\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// email office ////////////////////////////////////////////
		$subjectoffice="Enquiry From Website";
SUBJECT: $topic\n
Name: $Format1Name $Format2Name
Email: $laim1
Company or Employer: $company
Telephone: $let
Town: $town
County: $location
Details of enquiry: $comments
Newsletter: $mail\n
The following has been sent to $Format1Name $Format2Name AUTOMATICALLY FROM THE WEBSITE:\n

		mail($emailoffice, $subjectoffice, $mailContentOffice,"From: $laim1\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());		

	$_SESSION = array();

	$clear = "ok";


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">[/URL]
<title>Contact Us</title>
<meta name="description" content="Training Centre  ">
<meta name="keywords" content="nvq training">
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link href="wp2008.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
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<body >
<div id="container">
  <div id="header"> 
    <? include 'includes/inc_title.html';?>
    <div id="headcont"><img src="img/wp_headtag1.gif" alt="A specialist centre providing training " /> 
      <p><? echo date("l j F Y")?></p>
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					<? include 'includes/inc_topnav.html';?>

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<div id="content">


		if (!$_POST['check']){
		echo "<p>If you would like to contact us please fill in the online form. Our Training advisors will be happy to help 


		///////////////////////////////////////////// Display any errors  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		if ($validation == 'error'){
				echo"<p style='color:red;'><strong>Sorry we could not process your form.</strong><br />";
				//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Error checking

				if ($errorName == 'true') {
					echo "Please enter your first name.<br />";
				if ($errorLName == 'true') {
					echo "Please enter your last name.<br />";
				if ($errorEmail == 'true') {
					echo "Please enter your email address.<br />";
				if ($errorMatch == 'true') {
					echo "The email addresses you have entered do not match. Please try again.<br />";
				if ($errorCompany == 'true') {
					echo "Please enter your Company or Employer Name.<br />";
				if ($errorTel == 'true') {
					echo "Please enter your Telephone number.<br />";
				if ($errorTown == 'true') {
					echo "Please enter your Town.<br />";
				if ($errorlocation == 'true') {
					echo "Please select a County.<br />";
				if ($errorComments == 'true') {
					echo "Please give details of your enquiry.<br />";

		if ((($validation1 == 'error') || ($validation2 == 'error')) && (!$validation == 'error')){
			echo"<p style='color:red;'><strong>Sorry we could not process your form.</strong><br />";
					if ($errorPhone == 'true') {
						echo "You have entered an invalid telephone number. Please try again.<br />";
					if ($errorValid  == 'true') {
						echo "Please enter a valid email address.<br />";

	if ($clear == 'ok'){
		echo "<p><strong>Thank you</strong><br />Your enquiry form has been successfully sent.<br /><br />We will contact you shortly.<br />";

          <? if (!$clear == 'ok'){ ?>
          <form class="contact" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" method="post" onSubmit="return check(this)">
            <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2" class="contact">
                <td class="contact" height="44"> First Name: <font color="#FF0000">*</font> </td>
                 <td><input name="name" type="text" class="FormField" value="<? echo $name; ?>" /></td>
                <td class="contact" height="44"> Last Name: <font color="#FF0000">*</font> </td>
                 <td> <input name="lastname" type="text" class="FormField" value="<? echo $lastname; ?>" /></td>
                <td class="contact" height="44"> Email Address: <font color="#FF0000">*</font> </td>
                 <td><input name="laim1" type="text" class="FormField" value="<? echo $laim1; ?>" /> 
                <td class="contact" height="44"> Confirm Email Address: <font color="#FF0000">*</font> </td>
                  <td><input name="laim2" type="text" class="FormField" value="<? echo $laim2; ?>" /> 
                <td height="39" class="contact"> Company / Employer Name:<font color="#FF0000">*</font> 
				  <td> <input name="company" type="text" class="FormField" value="<? echo $company; ?>" > 
                <td height="39" class="contact"> Telephone:<font color="#FF0000">*</font></td> 
                  <td><input name="let" type="text" class="FormField" value="<? echo $let; ?>"  maxlength="21" /> 
                <td height="39" class="contact"> Town:<font color="#FF0000">*</font> </td>
                 <td><input name="town" type="text" class="FormField" value="<? echo $town; ?>"> 
                <td height="37" class="contact">County:<font color="#FF0000">*</font> </td>
                  <td> <select name="location" class="FormField">
                    <option value="" <?=$location == "" ? "selected"  : "" ?> selected>Select 
                    your location 
                    <option value="nonuk" <?=$location == "nonuk" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Non 
                    <option value="Avon" <?=$location == "Avon" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Avon 
                    <option value="Bedfordshire" <?=$location == "Bedfordshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Bedfordshire 
                    <option value="Berkshire" <?=$location == "Berkshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Berkshire 
                    <option value="Buckinghamshire" <?=$location == "Buckinghamshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Buckinghamshire 
                    <option value="Bristol"  <?=$location == "Bristol" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Bristol 
                    <option value="Cambridgeshire" <?=$location == "Cambridgeshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Cambridgeshire 
                    <option value="Cheshire" <?=$location == "Cheshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Cheshire 
                    <option value="Cornwall" <?=$location == "Cornwall" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Cornwall 
                    <option value="Cumbria" <?=$location == "Cumbria" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Cumbria 
                    <option value="Derbyshire" <?=$location == "Derbyshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Derbyshire 
                    <option value="Devon" <?=$location == "Devon" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Devon 
                    <option value="Dorset" <?=$location == "Dorset" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Dorset 
                    <option value="Durham" <?=$location == "Durham" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Durham 
                    <option value="East Riding of Yorkshire" <?=$location == "East Riding of Yorkshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >East 
                    Riding of Yorkshire 
                    <option value="EastEssex" <?=$location == "EastEssex" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >East 
                    <option value="Essex" <?=$location == "Essex" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Essex 
                    <option value="Gloucestershire" <?=$location == "Gloucestershire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Gloucestershire 
                    <option value="Greater Manchester" <?=$location == "Greater Manchester" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Greater 
                    <option value="Hampshire" <?=$location == "Hampshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Hampshire 
                    <option value="Herefordshire" <?=$location == "Herefordshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Herefordshire 
                    <option value="Hertfordshire" <?=$location == "Hertfordshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Hertfordshire 
                    <option value="Huntingdonshire" <?=$location == "Huntingdonshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Huntingdonshire 
                    <option value="Humberside" <?=$location == "Humberside" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Humberside 
                    <option value="Isle of Wight" <?=$location == "Isle of Wight" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Isle 
                    of Wight 
                    <option value="Isles of Scilly" <?=$location == "Isles of Scilly" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Isles 
                    of Scilly 
                    <option value="Kent" <?=$location == "Kent" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Kent 
                    <option value="Lancashire" <?=$location == "Lancashire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Lancashire 
                    <option value="Leicestershire" <?=$location == "Leicestershire " ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Leicestershire 
                    <option value="Lincolnshire" <?=$location == "Lincolnshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Lincolnshire 
                    <option value="London" <?=$location == "London" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >London 
                    <option value="Merseyside" <?=$location == "Merseyside" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Merseyside 
                    <option value="Middlesex" <?=$location == "Middlesex" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Middlesex 
                    <option value="Norfolk" <?=$location == "Norfolk" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Norfolk 
                    <option value="Northern Ireland" <?=$location == "Northern Ireland" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Northern 
                    <option value="North Yorkshire" <?=$location == "North Yorkshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >North 
                    <option value="Northamptonshire" <?=$location == "Northamptonshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Northamptonshire 
                    <option value="Northumberland" <?=$location == "Northumberland" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Northumberland 
                    <option value="Nottinghamshire" <?=$location == "Nottinghamshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Nottinghamshire 
                    <option value="Oxfordshire" <?=$location == "Oxfordshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Oxfordshire 
                    <option value="Rutland" <?=$location == "Rutland" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Rutland 
                    <option value="Scotland" <?=$location == "Scotland" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Scotland 
                    <option value="Shropshire" <?=$location == "Shropshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Shropshire 
                    <option value="Somerset" <?=$location == "Somerset" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Somerset 
                    <option value="South Yorkshire" <?=$location == "South Yorkshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >South 
                    <option value="Staffordshire " <?=$location == "Staffordshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Staffordshire 
                    <option value="Suffolk" <?=$location == "Suffolk" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Suffolk 
                    <option value="Surrey" <?=$location == "Surrey" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Surrey 
                    <option value="Sussex" <?=$location == "Sussex" ? "Sussex"  : "" ?> >Sussex 
                    <option value="Tyne and Wear" <?=$location == "Tyne and Wear" ? "Tyne and Wear"  : "" ?> >Tyne 
                    and Wear 
                    <option value="Wales" <?=$location == "Wales" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Wales 
                    <option value="Warwickshire" <?=$location == "Warwickshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Warwickshire 
                    <option value="Westmorland" <?=$location == "Westmorland " ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Westmorland 
                    <option value="West Midlands" <?=$location == "West Midlands " ? "selected"  : "" ?> >West 
                    <option value="West Sussex" <?=$location == "West Sussex " ? "selected"  : "" ?> >West 
                    <option value="West Yorkshire" <?=$location == "West Yorkshire " ? "selected"  : "" ?> >West 
                    <option value="Wiltshire" <?=$location == "Wiltshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Wiltshire 
                    <option value="Worcestershire" <?=$location == "Worcestershire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Worcestershire 
                    <option value="Yorkshire" <?=$location == "Yorkshire" ? "selected"  : "" ?> >Yorkshire 
                  </select> </td>
                <td height="84" class="contact"> Detail of enquiry: <font color="#FF0000">*</font> </td>
                 <td> <textarea name="comments" rows="3" class="FormField" id="textarea"><? echo $comments; ?></textarea> 
                <td height="20" class="contact"><input name="mail" type="checkbox" style="border:0px;" value="yes" CHECKED>
                  Receive FREE Care Newsletter</td>
                <td height="31" class="contact"> <input type="submit" name="add" value="Submit"> 
                  <input type="hidden" name="check" value="send" /> </td>
          <? } ?>
		<br /><br />
 <div id="left"><img src="img/label_trainingnew.gif" alt="Health and social care NVQ Awards" width="212" height="21" /><div class="categories">
	<? include 'includes/inc_leftnavstandard.html';?>
	  <a href="health_social_care_training.php"><img src="img/butanalysis.gif" alt="Do you have Care staff training needs that impact on your business development?" border="0" style="margin-top:1.8em" /></a>
   <a href="newsletter.php"><img src="img/butnewsletter.gif" alt="FREE Newsletter Subcribe here!" name="newbut" width="207" height="24" border="0" id="newbut" style="margin-bottom:9px; margin-top:2em;" /></a> <a href="health_social_care.php"><img src="img/butbrochure.gif" alt="Download Brochure" width="207" height="25" border="0" style="margin-bottom:9px;" /></a>
   <a href="nvq_health_social_care.php" ><img style="margin-bottom:9px;" alt="Email this page to your friend!" src="img/butfriend.gif" border="0" width="207" height="25" /></a>
<? include 'includes/inc_social.html';?>
	<? include 'includes/inc_credit.html';?>
<div id="right"><a href="health_social_care_recruitment.php"><img src="img/butrecruit.jpg" alt="W&amp;P Health and Social Care Training Centre are looking for Assessors, IV's and Trainers" border="0" style="margin-left:10px; margin-bottom:30px;" /></a>
	<div class="contactbox">
		<? include 'includes/inc_contactinfo.html';?>
<? include 'includes/inc_footer.html';?>

Thanks for any help anyone can offer. Hopefully someone will be able to get this script working again.

Many thanks

i'd guess that the php installation has been upgraded and short tags has not been turned on.

you do not explain what 'not working' means in your context. so i'm guessing that one of the following is true;

1. the script fails with errors (post the errors here)
2. the script fails silently - turn error reporting and display on and post the errors here
3. no emails are sent - check that php.ini contains the right data for the mail servers or change to use phpmailer.
4. the html is displayed but without the right data - change the <? tags to <?php or turn on short-tags in php.ini

additionally change this code block

    $_SESSION['first'] = "true";

    $_SESSION['topic'] = $_GET["topic"]; 
    $_SESSION['id'] = $_GET["id"]; 

        if($_SESSION['topic'] == ''){ 
        $_SESSION['topic'] = "General Enquiry";


    $_SESSION['first'] = "true";

    $_SESSION['topic'] = $_GET["topic"]; 
    $_SESSION['id'] = $_GET["id"]; 

        if( empty($_SESSION['topic'])){ 
        $_SESSION['topic'] = "General Enquiry";

having checked the phpinfo i see that

the build date is old, making it unlikely that a new install is the culprit
short-tags are on already.
register-globals is on (change hosts asap)

so i guess the issue is now either that the sendmail binary is bust (use phpmailer instead) or the outgoing emails are being blocked by commercial spam blockers at the receiver end. in which case phpmailer is again your solution coupled with an external auth smtp relay host.

but as you have not given any details this remains guesswork
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