Hi! I'm going to buy a PHP book. I do not know PHP that good. But I hav e found a book called Beginning PHP4. Is that a good book or? I also noticed another book, Beginning PHP5!! What should I buy? Keep in mind that I'm a half-noob =)
To be honest, I wouldn't buy a book anymore. When you buy a beginners book an a subject such as php you will probably find it unsufficient within a short amount of time. So you'll need a more detailed book.
I'd have to say, with the event of PHP5 now, buying a book is going to be a bit hit and miss.
Mind you, I personally find online tutorials to be a pain, I like to take a book away from the screen and read it.
I've bought two books which I've found useful, both are now outdated, but possibly you'd be able to find the newer revised editions.
PHP and MySQL Web Development by Welling and Thomson
Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache
Both were good beginners books, but provided enough advanced information to create good solid working websites.
Sometimes, when my code just won't behave, I take it outside and make it listen to britney spears music, and when it comes back it's really well behaved. I wonder if it's suffering from post tramatic stress syndrome now..
If you have any programming experience you'd be better off just reading code examples and the manual. If you are not an experienced programmer, then you should get a book targetted towards intro to programming and not worry about a specific language.
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