This is a quick question about php action option.
Suppoese I have this in a php file:
<FORM ACTION=\"Now, once the submit button is pressed, the html file will be loaded in the browser. Can I make it load in a new browser instead of in the same one(where php is loaded) and have it so that the php file loaded browser stays as it is? Or if that html page is already open in some other browser, is it possible to find it and reload that html page in that browser?
I am using netscape.
A comment or suggestion would be great. thanks
Suppoese I have this in a php file:
<FORM ACTION=\"Now, once the submit button is pressed, the html file will be loaded in the browser. Can I make it load in a new browser instead of in the same one(where php is loaded) and have it so that the php file loaded browser stays as it is? Or if that html page is already open in some other browser, is it possible to find it and reload that html page in that browser?
I am using netscape.
A comment or suggestion would be great. thanks