I am running WinXP w/Apache 2 server installed.
The PHP instructions baffle me. They say:
[blue]Windows Installer (PHP 5.2 and later)
The Windows PHP installer for later versions of PHP is built using MSI technology using the Wix Toolkit (» It will install and configure PHP and all the built-in and PECL extensions, as well as configure many of the popular web servers such as IIS, Apache, and Xitami.
First, install your selected HTTP (web) server on your system, and make sure that it works. Then proceed with one of the following install types.
Normal Install
Run the MSI installer and follow the instructions provided by the installation wizard. You will be prompted to select the Web Server you wish to configure first, along with any configuration details needed.[/blue]
What MSI installer? And how?
1. No MSI installer was provided in the php zip.
2. While there a sourceforge.net URL is listed, it is not clear what if anything is to be downloaded AND there is no XML file in the zip (for use w/ an XML driven installer).
3. There is a PHP 5.1 and earlier installer, but the notes indicate that it is for the PHP CGI only and not recommended.
Something key appears to be missing. Or is it me? What am I missing? Please advise.
The PHP instructions baffle me. They say:
[blue]Windows Installer (PHP 5.2 and later)
The Windows PHP installer for later versions of PHP is built using MSI technology using the Wix Toolkit (» It will install and configure PHP and all the built-in and PECL extensions, as well as configure many of the popular web servers such as IIS, Apache, and Xitami.
First, install your selected HTTP (web) server on your system, and make sure that it works. Then proceed with one of the following install types.
Normal Install
Run the MSI installer and follow the instructions provided by the installation wizard. You will be prompted to select the Web Server you wish to configure first, along with any configuration details needed.[/blue]
What MSI installer? And how?
1. No MSI installer was provided in the php zip.
2. While there a sourceforge.net URL is listed, it is not clear what if anything is to be downloaded AND there is no XML file in the zip (for use w/ an XML driven installer).
3. There is a PHP 5.1 and earlier installer, but the notes indicate that it is for the PHP CGI only and not recommended.
Something key appears to be missing. Or is it me? What am I missing? Please advise.