...as for your project i would be inclined to use adjustment layers and masking the areas out you wish to leave untouched for the tan...
...making your subject slimmer may prove to be a bit more tricky, this depends on the subject image you have, do you have a sample to upload?
...adjustment layers are found at the bottom of the layers palette, fourth from the left. Choose either hue and saturation, photo filter or color balance and a new layer will appear, the white box on the right of the layer is a mask and can be painted in percentages of black and white or selections can be loaded and filled with percentages of black or white. Black will restore the image, white will apply the effect from the layer adjustment...
...selections are key to photoshop, and there are various methods to create selections and the best way is dependant on your subject image...
...have a play with adjustment layers and see if you can achieve something near to what you are after...
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