I have 1 scene which displays pictures much like a photo album. In this album I have 10 pictures varying in size from 50kB-400kB. What I am trying to achieve is making a small pre-loader for each of them. Now I have noticed that once the mc starts to play it automatically loads the whole mc in the background but I don't want that, only load on demand example when a user explicitly want to open a specific picture, it loads. Now a singe pre-loader in the beginning will work grand but that won't let me achieve loading only on frame or scene base rather movie base. I guess I can use different mc meaning that every picture will have it’s own *.swf file which can be cumbersome at the end.
You don't need eyes to see just the vision because there are always more ways and different answers to what we are used to...
You don't need eyes to see just the vision because there are always more ways and different answers to what we are used to...