3300 CX 11 Release 4.2 SP2 PR1
5340e Phones
Dhcp supplied by customer server. (Flat network, No Vlans)
All phone at random intervals drop out and show "contacting server" and then re-boot back into service after approx 20 mins. They can drop out mid call. If the phone is unplugged and re-booted it comes straight back into service. Some times a phone can drop out 3 times in a morning and then work o.k. until the next day. The following log is generated each time it happens.
Heartbeat Server
ICP has lost contact with ( (08-00-0F-77-BB-99)), network driver cluster pool free: 3004 and low water mark: 2883
Any ideas to the cause of this would be appreciated.
5340e Phones
Dhcp supplied by customer server. (Flat network, No Vlans)
All phone at random intervals drop out and show "contacting server" and then re-boot back into service after approx 20 mins. They can drop out mid call. If the phone is unplugged and re-booted it comes straight back into service. Some times a phone can drop out 3 times in a morning and then work o.k. until the next day. The following log is generated each time it happens.
Heartbeat Server
ICP has lost contact with ( (08-00-0F-77-BB-99)), network driver cluster pool free: 3004 and low water mark: 2883
Any ideas to the cause of this would be appreciated.