I am noob to mitel's, and need help adding an ext. I am working on a SX2000 light,that had a bunch of ext that were programmed up as speed dial number that we nolonger need, so i removed them out of the system speed call list. I am now am trying to create that ext again to attach to a superset 4DN. Before i started i did a loc num to make sure it wasn't programmed anywhere else. I then added it in multiline set assignment to location i wanted on a DNI card. I went in to key assignment added the ext on key 2, but when i stat the DNI card, it shows as "out of service". I have tried Busying it out and RTS'ing it back in, but still shows out of service. do i have to connect a phone to bring it up? On a side note, i tried to add the ext on key three as X*XX, since many of other one's have it that way, it won't allow me to, says it is used by another group, Found that it is a NON prime group number. What does that mean, and how i can find it?
Thank you
When Life Gives You Questions, Google has Answers - AJ Carpio
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When Life Gives You Questions, Google has Answers - AJ Carpio