Got a rather strange problem. I've got a Phaser 860DP, and am having an issue with print quality. All the jets for the Black, Yellow, and Magenta are fnctioning normally as the light stripes page shows. But the Cyan is missing. Completely. It shows me that NONE of the Cyan jets are firing. I'm getting no error codes for the printer, and the printer appears operational. It goes through its warmup and comes to the ready state. I can print with no problems. Except that the prints don't look right, because there is no cyan being laid down on the page.
Originally, I was thinking this was a failed printhead, but after running it around my brain for a few hours, I'm no longer sure. My logic tells me that it's more of an issue with a failed control board, since it's all the jets on one color. But knowing what the printhead looks like, I suppose it could be the circuit board that is part of the printhead. I'd love to get this problem fixed because I love the color output of these printers.
Any ideas as to what might cause an entire color to disappear?
Originally, I was thinking this was a failed printhead, but after running it around my brain for a few hours, I'm no longer sure. My logic tells me that it's more of an issue with a failed control board, since it's all the jets on one color. But knowing what the printhead looks like, I suppose it could be the circuit board that is part of the printhead. I'd love to get this problem fixed because I love the color output of these printers.
Any ideas as to what might cause an entire color to disappear?