Technical User
I have a Phaser 350 (broken) and Phaser 740 (problematic).
Both are getting very old with 100+ color pages on them.
Basically I'd like to upgrade to the Phaser 840 or 850. I like the solid ink of the 350 (but the 600DPI old gen color didn't produce good pics.
So here are my questions:
is a Phaser 840 worth $750.00 in good condition?
will it print good pictures (not perfect but good?)
anything I should be aware of? =====================
4 year 'on the fly' programmer
C++ Basic Java
Both are getting very old with 100+ color pages on them.
Basically I'd like to upgrade to the Phaser 840 or 850. I like the solid ink of the 350 (but the 600DPI old gen color didn't produce good pics.
So here are my questions:
is a Phaser 840 worth $750.00 in good condition?
will it print good pictures (not perfect but good?)
anything I should be aware of? =====================
4 year 'on the fly' programmer
C++ Basic Java