I refer to them as phantom extension because the user has no physical phone. Just voicemail but can log into the hoteling sets when in the office. These are created with phantom TN (61 00 --- ).
I would do a couple of things. First when you log into the set, the system forwards your phantom DN to the actual DN on the set that you are at. I would check to make sure it is doing this. By logging into a set and then printing the tn of your phantom dn and make sure it forwarded to the set you are currently logged into. If it is then use the trace command to find out if it actually activated the forward feature on the phantom. If all looks well then do some basic trouble shooting. Start by logging out of the set that your at and try calling that set directly. If this fails your problem is with the physical set and not with the phantom. I would then do an ENTC in ld 80 and watch how the call routes when you call it. I would then do the same when you log into the set and call the phantom dn and do an entc on the phantom tn. This should give you enough information to find your problem. Once you get this info. Post it and we will look at it. Good Luck
For a phantom to forward to VM when not logged in I beleive you need to make sure it is set as DCFW x yyyy. If you use the normal fdn and hunt it does not work. Let me know if this helps.
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