Greetings To All
My problems started when after a blackout [for one second!]
My computer spent and couldn't restart!
After a while it gain it's power and i boot!
from 3 hd [2 Maxtor + 1 IBM] with each a PGPdisk [v.8]
only the one to the IBM [wonder why?] survived
the other ones i get these errors read
2.file does not appear to be a valid PGPDisk
Is there anything i can do?
Is there a way to scan this *.pgd to identify the problem?
Is there a program for some kind of recovery/repair?
Are you sure that there isn't much to do and i really have to format/delete the *.pgd?
Is there anyone who want's to exchange the 2 maxtors with 2 IBM? [
Anyway i really like an answer because i can't find it anywhere!I hope that someone answers before i
delete 'em all
Thank you for reading about my problem
Thank you more for answering my questions
My problems started when after a blackout [for one second!]
My computer spent and couldn't restart!
After a while it gain it's power and i boot!
from 3 hd [2 Maxtor + 1 IBM] with each a PGPdisk [v.8]
only the one to the IBM [wonder why?] survived
the other ones i get these errors read
2.file does not appear to be a valid PGPDisk
Is there anything i can do?
Is there a way to scan this *.pgd to identify the problem?
Is there a program for some kind of recovery/repair?
Are you sure that there isn't much to do and i really have to format/delete the *.pgd?
Is there anyone who want's to exchange the 2 maxtors with 2 IBM? [
Anyway i really like an answer because i can't find it anywhere!I hope that someone answers before i
delete 'em all
Thank you for reading about my problem
Thank you more for answering my questions