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Pest Patrol question re: Keylogger detections

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Oct 23, 2002
During my eval of Pest Patrol, I have run into a handfull of machines with keyloggers detected. Needless to say, I'm more than a little concerned about this. Anyone else had experience with PP detecting keyloggers? Is it a real concern, or is PP overly sensitive with this?

[sub]"The Crystal Wind is the storm, and the storm is data, and the data is life. You have been slaves, denied the storm, denied the freedom of your data. That is now ended; the whirlwind is upon you . . . . . . Whether you like it or not."[/sub]

[sup]"Trent the Uncatchable" in The Long Run by Daniel Keys Moran[/sup]
In our eval of Pest Patrol, I did notice that PP tends to be overly sensitive. We have VNC installed on our machines and PP detected this and wanted to delete it.

As far as keylogger, I would be a little more concerned, esp. if you did not install them yourself. I would let PP delete it off one machine and see what happens. If PP is not detecting a valid program then I would let PP delete the rest of them.

BTW, our eval vesion of PP ran out today. We still haven't made a decision yet since we are also looking at a hardware solution.

James P. Cottingham
[sup]To determine how long it will take to write and debug a program, take your best estimate, multiply that by two, add one, and convert to the next higher units.[/sup]

Thanks for the input. I had the same issue with VNC, and had to make sure I had all versions checked off in the exclusions section of PP (see thread760-918748).

I know our company isn't using any keyloggers, and am deleting them as I find them. I guess my question is more along the lines of "Where the @#$! did these things come from?!" I know they are used by hackers, but are they also now being loaded automatically as spyware in the same manner as trojans, hijackers, and the lot? If so, has it been going on for a while and I have simply been blissfully ignorant of the fact, or is this a new development in the field? Or worse yet, are my people actually being specifically targeted? Paranoid? Sure. But in this business I get paid to be paranoid.

So can anyone enlighten me as to how common keyloggers are, or are becoming, etc.?

2ffat - have you compared PP with any other products? My next step is going to be an eval and comparison with McAfee 8.0, since our license agreement already entitles us to use the product. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has already done such a comparison, though I suppose that's a subject for another thread... [smile]

[sub]"The Crystal Wind is the storm, and the storm is data, and the data is life. You have been slaves, denied the storm, denied the freedom of your data. That is now ended; the whirlwind is upon you . . . . . . Whether you like it or not."[/sub]

[sup]"Trent the Uncatchable" in The Long Run by Daniel Keys Moran[/sup]
SpyBot lists 73 known keyloggers that it checks for:

Settings>Ignore Products>Keyloggers (override option)

With 278K hits on Google search: keylogger OR keyloggers, I would say it is a growing issue and should be on everyone's radar.

[*** If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking. ***]

My next step is going to be an eval and comparison with McAfee 8.0
I'm not going to eval McAfee but I did see an article about SpamAssasin which McAfee uses.
We haven't received an eval unit of our next unit yet. More later.

James P. Cottingham
[sup]To determine how long it will take to write and debug a program, take your best estimate, multiply that by two, add one, and convert to the next higher units.[/sup]
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