this code works on my test machine at home (W2K):
However, it doesn't work on the actual server (persits is installed). The first email gets sent but not the second. Notice that the first email goes to an address in the domain of the mail server, but not the second email. I know it should work anyway.
I think the problem is more with permissions and configuration of the web server itself than with persits' component or the vbscript code.
Am I right or am I missing something?.
this code works on my test machine at home (W2K):
Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
Mail.Host = "someserver.com"
Mail.From = fromemail
Mail.FromName = name
Mail.addAddress "me@someserver.com"
Mail.Subject = sujet
Mail.Body = message
Mail.IsHTML = True
Set Mail = nothing
Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
Mail.Host = "someserver.com"
Mail.From = "me@someserver.com"
Mail.FromName = "cie name"
Mail.addAddress toemail
Mail.Subject = sujet
Mail.Body = resp
Mail.IsHTML = True
Set Mail = nothing
However, it doesn't work on the actual server (persits is installed). The first email gets sent but not the second. Notice that the first email goes to an address in the domain of the mail server, but not the second email. I know it should work anyway.
I think the problem is more with permissions and configuration of the web server itself than with persits' component or the vbscript code.
Am I right or am I missing something?.