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Permission Denied on MoveFile

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Technical User
Oct 9, 2007
Ok, I wrote the script below to rip files from a CD and if the filename match a regular expression them move the file to network folder A and write to a file otherwise move to network folder B and write to an error log. My disk drive is D:\ and everything works fine however when I gave this script to a user his CD drive was G:\. So I modified the script to read from G:\. This produces a Permission Denied Error on line 47 (the first MoveFile method instance).

Now what's weird is that I went back to my PC and changed the letter for the CD drive from D: to G: and then I got the same error. I rebooted my machine and then it worked. What could this be? Rebooting the user machine still produces the same error.

PS. If I use D:\ on the user's machine the script works (at least no errors are present), however D: is not the CD drive for the user so I'm still in the same boat.

Option Explicit

Dim objFSO
Dim objFolder
Dim objFolder2
Dim colFiles
Dim objSubFile
Dim strFolder
Dim strFolder2
Dim File
Dim objFile
Dim path
Dim filetxt
Dim WriteStuff
Dim NewString
Dim errorlog
Dim WriteLog
Dim ErrorString
Dim E

  strFolder = "G:\"
  strFolder2 ="\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\Errors"
  Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolder)
  Set colFiles = objFolder.Files
  filetxt= "\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\FortisIndex.txt"
  errorlog= "\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\Errors\ErrorLog.txt"

Set WriteStuff = objFSO.OpenTextFile(filetxt, 2, True)

For Each File in colFiles

  set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strFolder & "\" & File.Name)
  If DateDiff("d", objfile.DateLastModified, Now) < 834 Then   

  Dim RegEx : Set RegEx = New RegExp
    RegEx.Pattern = "[A-Z]+:\\((\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\.\w+)"
    RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
    Dim strTemp : strTemp = objFile
    If RegEx.Test(strTemp) Then
	NewString = RegEx.Replace(strtemp, """$2$3"",""$4"","""","""",""$5"","";\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\$1""")
		objFSO.MoveFile objFile,"\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\"
	RegEx.Pattern = "([A-Z]+:\\((\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\.\w+))" 'D:\F50B721747090D1 F01 1.tif
	If RegEx.Test(strTemp) Then
	NewString = RegEx.Replace(strtemp, """$3"",""$4"","""","""",""$5"","";\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\$2""")
	objFSO.MoveFile objFile,"\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\"
	RegEx.Pattern = "([A-Z]+:\\(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\.\w+)"
	If RegEx.Test(strTemp) Then
	NewString = RegEx.Replace(strtemp, """$2$3$4$5$6"",""$7"","""","""",""$8"","";\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\$1""")
	objFSO.MoveFile objFile,"\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\"
	RegEx.Pattern = "([A-Z]+:\\+(\w+)\-(\w+)\-(\w+)\-(\w+)\.\w+)"
	If RegEx.Test(strTemp) Then
	NewString = RegEx.Replace(strtemp, """$2$3"",""$4"","""","""",""$5"","";\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\$1""")
	objFSO.MoveFile objFile,"\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\"
	RegEx.Pattern = "([A-Z]+:\\(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s([A-Z]+\d+\d+)\s(\d+).\w+)"
	If RegEx.Test(strTemp) Then
	NewString = RegEx.Replace(strtemp, """$2$3$4$5"",""$6"","""","""",""$7"","";\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\$1""")
	objFSO.MoveFile objFile,"\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\"
	RegEx.Pattern = "[A-Z]+:\\((\w+)\s(\w+)([A-F]+\d+\d)\s(\d+)\.\w+)"
	If RegEx.Test(strTemp) Then
	NewString = RegEx.Replace(strtemp, """$2$3"",""$4"","""","""",""$5"","";\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\$1""")
	objFSO.MoveFile objFile,"\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\"
	RegEx.Pattern = "[A-Z]+:\\((\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\.\w+)"
	If RegEx.Test(strTemp) Then
	NewString = RegEx.Replace(strtemp, """$2$3$4"",""$5"","""","""",""$6"","";\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\$1""")
	objFSO.MoveFile objFile,"\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\"
	RegEx.Pattern = "[A-Z]+:\\((\w+[a-zA-Z]+\d+)([A-Z]+\d+\d)\s(\d+)\.\w+)"
	If RegEx.Test(strTemp) Then
	NewString = RegEx.Replace(strtemp, """$2"",""$3"","""","""",""$4"","";\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\$1""")
	objFSO.MoveFile objFile,"\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\"
	RegEx.Pattern = "[A-Z]+:\\((\w+[a-zA-Z]+\d+)-?([A-Z]+\d+\d)-?(\d+)\.\w+)" 'D:\F2MB700735442A3C01-1.tif
	If RegEx.Test(strTemp) Then
	NewString = RegEx.Replace(strTemp, """$2"",""$3"","""","""",""$4"","";\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\$1""")
	objFSO.MoveFile objFile,"\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\To Fortis\"
        Dim Wshshell
		Dim strUserName
		Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
		strUserName = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%username%")

		Set WriteLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(errorlog, 8, True)
        ErrorString = Now() &" User: " & strUserName &" : Filename Not Validated by Regex - " & objFile.Path
        objFSO.MoveFile objFile,"\\optical-servr\Imaging\PPOutput\Production\Drawings\Errors\"
		Set WshShell = Nothing
		Set strUserName = Nothing
	End If
	End If
	End If
	End If
	End If
    End If
	End If
	End If
    End If
	End If

Set objFolder2 = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolder2)
E = objFolder2.Files.Count
If E > 2 Then
MsgBox "Processing has completed with " & (E-2) &" error(s). MIS has been notified, no further action required."
Msgbox "Processing has Finished. Ok to remove CD from Drive"
End If

set objFSO = Nothing
set objFolder = Nothing
set objFolder2 = Nothing
set colFiles = Nothing
set objSubFile = Nothing
set strFolder = Nothing
set strFolder2 = Nothing
set File = Nothing
set objFile = Nothing
set path = Nothing
set filetxt = Nothing
set WriteStuff = Nothing
set NewString = Nothing
set errorlog = Nothing
set WriteLog = Nothing
set ErrorString = Nothing
Set E = Nothing

you could enumerate the Drives collection and dynamically work out which drive letter is the CDROM drive, (perhaps there are more than one?), that way you dont have to worry about statically declaring the drive letter. alternatively you could ask the user to input the drive letter with an InputBox(), and / or you could get the source drive letter from a command line parameter passed to your script

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I See, I Remember
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