I am designing a system which has 4 pc's connected by a network. Each one is to run a web server and a user can connect to the any of the servers to get data from all the pc's.<br><br>I have created a display page which opens first and opens up a window for each of the pc's:<br>open('datapc1.html','DataFromPC1')<br>open('datapc2.html','DataFromPC2') etc<br>The display page also defines a Javascript function called update which modifies the icons on the screen depending on the status of the 4 pc's.<br><br>Each of the data pages ( eg datapc1.html) makes a call to the display page update function passing in status parameters:<br>window.opener.window.updatePC1(1,2,3,4)<br><br>This all works fine when the data pages are served locally (for development) as defined in the open commands above but as soon as I define an IP address for them:<br>open('http:\\\datapc1.html','DataFromPC1')<br>open('http:\\\datapc2.html','DataFromPC2') etc<br>The page is served OK but as soon as the page tries to execute the 'window.opener.window.updatePC1' command<br>I get a Permission Denied error. Its as if the window.opener wont work if an IP address is used?<br><br>I have looked at the Apache config help but still dont know whether its a configuration file type problem or a Javascript problem.<br><br>Can anyone save the day?<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Michael.