Tested on Solaris Unix, using perl5.6.1.
You'll have to specify the correct location for your perl compiler at the top of the script. Hope this helps someone out.
# @(#) Script that checks last 150 session log files for any failures or errors and reports details to Production support.
use warnings;
#Declare variables, arrays and hashes
my $space = " ";
my $cause = " Root cause: ";
my $dir = '/apps/informat5/informatica/PowerCenter/SessLogs';
my $time = gmtime;
my $temp_count;
my $match_holder;
my $file_status;
my @pr_list = ();
my @pr_files = ();
my @pr_files2 = ();
my @pr_files3 = ();
#Hash contains a list of error conditions. The key holds the string to match, the value holds the output to print on that match
#For additional error strings add them here.
my %matchlist =
'No such file or directory' => 'File or Directory not found',
'ORA' => 'Oracle based error, see log file for details',
'cannot insert NULL' => 'An attempt was made to insert a Null value to a Non Null field',
'Error executing shell command...' => 'A pre or post Unix shell command failed',
'Error connecting to database...' => 'An error occurred connecting a database',
'Error initializing DTM for session...' => 'Error initializing DTM for session',
'An error occurred while connecting' => 'An error occurred attempting to connect to the Database',
'TNS:could not resolve service name' => 'TNS error, failed to resolve service name',
'fetched column value was truncated' => 'A column value was truncated, see log file for details',
'unexpected end of SQL command' => 'An unexpected end of SQL command error occurred',
'Received request to stop session run' => 'Session stopped by user',
'missing expression' => 'Missing expression',
'Failed to logon to Database server' => 'Failed to logon to Database server',
'Deadlock error encountered.' => 'Deadlock error occurred',
'table or view does not exist' => 'Table or view does not exist',
'STG_PROD.CHECK_SESSION' => 'Check session function failed',
'failed to extend rollback segment' => 'Rollback segment failed to extend',
'resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified' => 'NOWAIT specified for resource. Usually table locked by index creation',
'Joiner will not produce any output row' => 'Joiner transformation failed to produce output',
'unique constraint' => 'Unique constraint violation, Primary key error',
'Received request to abort session run' => 'Session aborted by user',
'Stopping debugger upon user requestsnapshot too old' => 'Debugger session. Stopped by user',
'end-of-file on communication channel' => 'End-of-file on communication channel',
'Error updating repository tables' => 'Error updating repository tables',
'synonym translation is no longer valid' => 'Synonym translation is no longer valid',
'invalid ROWID' => 'Invalid ROWID error occurred',
#Change to SessLogs directory, get files to process
chdir "$dir" or die "Can't chdir to SessLogs: $!";
chomp(my @srcfiles = `ls -rt | tail -170`);
chomp(my $file_running = `ls -rt | tail -1`);
#Call function to return the status of the most recent file to have run
my $return_val = file_status($file_running);
#Sort out logs that have failed and not failed into different arrays
foreach my $file (@srcfiles) {
my $curfile = `tail -1 $file`;
if ($curfile =~ /Session run completed with failure/) {
push (@pr_files, $file);
else {
push (@pr_files2, $file);
#Relates to only the files that Informatica believes has failed.
&pl("\n\tAUTOMATED SESSION LOG SEARCH RESULTS\n\t------------------------------------\n\nFiles scanned 170 Directory: $dir $space Time: $time\n\nMost recent file to run: $file_running $return_val (If part of concurrent batch may be incorrect)\n\n");
#Push failed logs onto a @temp array, these failures are ones that informatica states are failures
foreach my $file (@pr_files) {
@temp = ();
open FILE, "$file" or die "Cant open file: $file";
local $/ = undef;
my $hndlread = <FILE>;
study ($hndlread);
close FILE;
#Get start time from log file
if ($hndlread =~ /\bInitializing session\b.*\[(.*)\]/) {
&pl ("$1:-- $file failed");
#Replace match strings for output strings and push onto temp array
foreach my $match (sort keys %matchlist) {
if ($hndlread =~ /$match/) {
push (@temp, "$space$cause$matchlist{$match}");
foreach (@temp) {
&pl ("$_");
&pl ("");
#Second part of output. Informatica logs that may have failed but no Failure message given.
&pl("\n\tFILES CONTAINING ERROR CONDITIONS THAT MAY INDICATE FAILURE\n\t-----------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n");
#Process files, sort out logs that have a match for a failure. Others discarded.
foreach my $file (@pr_files2) {
$temp_count = undef;
@temp = ();
open FILE, "$file" or die "Cant open file: $file";
local $/ = undef;
my $hndlread = <FILE>;
study ($hndlread);
close FILE;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $match (keys %matchlist) {
if ($hndlread =~ /$match/) {
if ($i > 0 ) {
push (@pr_files3,$file);
#Create output strings for "non failed" logs
foreach my $file (@pr_files3) {
$temp_count = undef;
@temp = ();
open FILE, "$file" or die "Cant open file: $file";
local $/ = undef;
my $hndlread = <FILE>;
study ($hndlread);
close FILE;
if ($hndlread =~ /\bInitializing session\b.*\[(.*)\]/) {
push (@temp, "$1:-- $file failed");
foreach my $match (sort keys %matchlist) {
if ($hndlread =~ /$match/) {
push (@temp, "$space$cause$matchlist{$match}");
$temp_count = @temp;
foreach (@temp) {
&pl ("$_");
if ($temp_count > 0) {
&pl ("");
#Output the logfile report
##################Start of subroutines#####################
sub file_status { #Identifies the status of the log file. Completed, running etc...
my ($file) = @_;
my $file_tail = `cat $file | tail -1`;
my %status_hash =
'Session run completed with failure' => ' completed with failure',
'session run terminated' => ' was terminated by user',
'successfully' => ' has completed',
my $file_status = '0';
foreach $key ( keys %status_hash ) {
if ($file_tail =~ /$key/) {
$file_status = $status_hash{$key};
close FILE;
if ($file_status eq 0) {
$file_status = ' is still running';
return $file_status;
sub pl { #Pushes output to final output array
push @pr_list, "$_[0]";
sub output { #Print out the final output array
foreach (@pr_list) {
print "$_\n";
You'll have to specify the correct location for your perl compiler at the top of the script. Hope this helps someone out.
# @(#) Script that checks last 150 session log files for any failures or errors and reports details to Production support.
use warnings;
#Declare variables, arrays and hashes
my $space = " ";
my $cause = " Root cause: ";
my $dir = '/apps/informat5/informatica/PowerCenter/SessLogs';
my $time = gmtime;
my $temp_count;
my $match_holder;
my $file_status;
my @pr_list = ();
my @pr_files = ();
my @pr_files2 = ();
my @pr_files3 = ();
#Hash contains a list of error conditions. The key holds the string to match, the value holds the output to print on that match
#For additional error strings add them here.
my %matchlist =
'No such file or directory' => 'File or Directory not found',
'ORA' => 'Oracle based error, see log file for details',
'cannot insert NULL' => 'An attempt was made to insert a Null value to a Non Null field',
'Error executing shell command...' => 'A pre or post Unix shell command failed',
'Error connecting to database...' => 'An error occurred connecting a database',
'Error initializing DTM for session...' => 'Error initializing DTM for session',
'An error occurred while connecting' => 'An error occurred attempting to connect to the Database',
'TNS:could not resolve service name' => 'TNS error, failed to resolve service name',
'fetched column value was truncated' => 'A column value was truncated, see log file for details',
'unexpected end of SQL command' => 'An unexpected end of SQL command error occurred',
'Received request to stop session run' => 'Session stopped by user',
'missing expression' => 'Missing expression',
'Failed to logon to Database server' => 'Failed to logon to Database server',
'Deadlock error encountered.' => 'Deadlock error occurred',
'table or view does not exist' => 'Table or view does not exist',
'STG_PROD.CHECK_SESSION' => 'Check session function failed',
'failed to extend rollback segment' => 'Rollback segment failed to extend',
'resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified' => 'NOWAIT specified for resource. Usually table locked by index creation',
'Joiner will not produce any output row' => 'Joiner transformation failed to produce output',
'unique constraint' => 'Unique constraint violation, Primary key error',
'Received request to abort session run' => 'Session aborted by user',
'Stopping debugger upon user requestsnapshot too old' => 'Debugger session. Stopped by user',
'end-of-file on communication channel' => 'End-of-file on communication channel',
'Error updating repository tables' => 'Error updating repository tables',
'synonym translation is no longer valid' => 'Synonym translation is no longer valid',
'invalid ROWID' => 'Invalid ROWID error occurred',
#Change to SessLogs directory, get files to process
chdir "$dir" or die "Can't chdir to SessLogs: $!";
chomp(my @srcfiles = `ls -rt | tail -170`);
chomp(my $file_running = `ls -rt | tail -1`);
#Call function to return the status of the most recent file to have run
my $return_val = file_status($file_running);
#Sort out logs that have failed and not failed into different arrays
foreach my $file (@srcfiles) {
my $curfile = `tail -1 $file`;
if ($curfile =~ /Session run completed with failure/) {
push (@pr_files, $file);
else {
push (@pr_files2, $file);
#Relates to only the files that Informatica believes has failed.
&pl("\n\tAUTOMATED SESSION LOG SEARCH RESULTS\n\t------------------------------------\n\nFiles scanned 170 Directory: $dir $space Time: $time\n\nMost recent file to run: $file_running $return_val (If part of concurrent batch may be incorrect)\n\n");
#Push failed logs onto a @temp array, these failures are ones that informatica states are failures
foreach my $file (@pr_files) {
@temp = ();
open FILE, "$file" or die "Cant open file: $file";
local $/ = undef;
my $hndlread = <FILE>;
study ($hndlread);
close FILE;
#Get start time from log file
if ($hndlread =~ /\bInitializing session\b.*\[(.*)\]/) {
&pl ("$1:-- $file failed");
#Replace match strings for output strings and push onto temp array
foreach my $match (sort keys %matchlist) {
if ($hndlread =~ /$match/) {
push (@temp, "$space$cause$matchlist{$match}");
foreach (@temp) {
&pl ("$_");
&pl ("");
#Second part of output. Informatica logs that may have failed but no Failure message given.
&pl("\n\tFILES CONTAINING ERROR CONDITIONS THAT MAY INDICATE FAILURE\n\t-----------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n");
#Process files, sort out logs that have a match for a failure. Others discarded.
foreach my $file (@pr_files2) {
$temp_count = undef;
@temp = ();
open FILE, "$file" or die "Cant open file: $file";
local $/ = undef;
my $hndlread = <FILE>;
study ($hndlread);
close FILE;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $match (keys %matchlist) {
if ($hndlread =~ /$match/) {
if ($i > 0 ) {
push (@pr_files3,$file);
#Create output strings for "non failed" logs
foreach my $file (@pr_files3) {
$temp_count = undef;
@temp = ();
open FILE, "$file" or die "Cant open file: $file";
local $/ = undef;
my $hndlread = <FILE>;
study ($hndlread);
close FILE;
if ($hndlread =~ /\bInitializing session\b.*\[(.*)\]/) {
push (@temp, "$1:-- $file failed");
foreach my $match (sort keys %matchlist) {
if ($hndlread =~ /$match/) {
push (@temp, "$space$cause$matchlist{$match}");
$temp_count = @temp;
foreach (@temp) {
&pl ("$_");
if ($temp_count > 0) {
&pl ("");
#Output the logfile report
##################Start of subroutines#####################
sub file_status { #Identifies the status of the log file. Completed, running etc...
my ($file) = @_;
my $file_tail = `cat $file | tail -1`;
my %status_hash =
'Session run completed with failure' => ' completed with failure',
'session run terminated' => ' was terminated by user',
'successfully' => ' has completed',
my $file_status = '0';
foreach $key ( keys %status_hash ) {
if ($file_tail =~ /$key/) {
$file_status = $status_hash{$key};
close FILE;
if ($file_status eq 0) {
$file_status = ' is still running';
return $file_status;
sub pl { #Pushes output to final output array
push @pr_list, "$_[0]";
sub output { #Print out the final output array
foreach (@pr_list) {
print "$_\n";