Hi guys,
I've got perl script as below
#! /home/SOFTS/Perl/5.8.0/bin/perl -w
## open the sgml file and read it line by line
## search for the <effect with the attribut effrg
## extract the value of the effrg, if it has more than 6 digits
if ($ARGV[0]) {
open(LOGFILE, ">effrg.log") or die "Couldn't open startfile: $!\n";
while (<>) {
if ( /<effect |<sbeff |<coceff |<aclist /i .. /<\/effect>|<\/sbeff>|<\/coceff>|<\/aclist>/i) {
} else {
print; }
sub fix {
if (/effrg="(\d{7,})"/i) { ## only lines with more than 6 digits in EFFRG
$numeff = length($1)/6;
if ( $numeff*6 != length($1) ) { print; ## It must be a multiple of 6
} else {
$out = $1;
print LOGFILE "EFFRG=\"$1\" changed to ";
$out =~ s/(\d{6})/$1 /g; ## put in the spaces
$out =~ s/(\d{6}) $/$1/g; ## take out the last one
s/(effrg=")\d+"/$1$out"/gi; ## fix the original line
print LOGFILE "$1$out\"\n";
} elsif (/(effrg="\d{6}")/i) {
print LOGFILE "$1 left unchanged\n";
} else { print; }
} else { print "\nUsage : effrg.pl sgml_file_name > output_file_name\n";
print "Takes an SGML file and splits the EFFRG attribute into blocks of 6 digits\n";
print "Currently treats the EFFRG attribute in the effect,sbeff,coceff & aclist tags\n";
print "Generates the effrg.log file showing actions taken\n";
But when I tried to execute it, it came up this message :
bash: ./effrg.pl: No such file or directory
I've already put the file in the same directory and chmod to 775. Any idea what's wrong of the script?
I've got perl script as below
#! /home/SOFTS/Perl/5.8.0/bin/perl -w
## open the sgml file and read it line by line
## search for the <effect with the attribut effrg
## extract the value of the effrg, if it has more than 6 digits
if ($ARGV[0]) {
open(LOGFILE, ">effrg.log") or die "Couldn't open startfile: $!\n";
while (<>) {
if ( /<effect |<sbeff |<coceff |<aclist /i .. /<\/effect>|<\/sbeff>|<\/coceff>|<\/aclist>/i) {
} else {
print; }
sub fix {
if (/effrg="(\d{7,})"/i) { ## only lines with more than 6 digits in EFFRG
$numeff = length($1)/6;
if ( $numeff*6 != length($1) ) { print; ## It must be a multiple of 6
} else {
$out = $1;
print LOGFILE "EFFRG=\"$1\" changed to ";
$out =~ s/(\d{6})/$1 /g; ## put in the spaces
$out =~ s/(\d{6}) $/$1/g; ## take out the last one
s/(effrg=")\d+"/$1$out"/gi; ## fix the original line
print LOGFILE "$1$out\"\n";
} elsif (/(effrg="\d{6}")/i) {
print LOGFILE "$1 left unchanged\n";
} else { print; }
} else { print "\nUsage : effrg.pl sgml_file_name > output_file_name\n";
print "Takes an SGML file and splits the EFFRG attribute into blocks of 6 digits\n";
print "Currently treats the EFFRG attribute in the effect,sbeff,coceff & aclist tags\n";
print "Generates the effrg.log file showing actions taken\n";
But when I tried to execute it, it came up this message :
bash: ./effrg.pl: No such file or directory
I've already put the file in the same directory and chmod to 775. Any idea what's wrong of the script?