I am trying to automate a report that I have previously been running manually. When running manually, I am able to enter the Year and the period of the data that I would like to select. I have come up with the selection criteria below that seems to work properly. My concern is in January; what formula could I add that would search to the previous year, and the previous period? This is probably a simple solution, that I am overthinking. .... I appreciate any advice! --Jill
Selection Criteria:
{APInvHed.Company} = "MSMO" and
totext({APInvHed.FiscalPeriod},00) & "/" & totext(ToNumber({APInvHed.FiscalYear}),"#")
Selection Criteria:
{APInvHed.Company} = "MSMO" and
totext({APInvHed.FiscalPeriod},00) & "/" & totext(ToNumber({APInvHed.FiscalYear}),"#")