I was asked by a tester if it was possible to get a higher throughput on a multi-processor system. In a single thread on his system, the cpu% was never higher than 30%. He says multi thread programs are able to get near 100%. What can I do to create multi-threading programs?
Also if I can split a task into more than one, is it possible to communicatie between threads? If yes, how? Do I need some assembly or is there as system call for?
Also how can you enhance I-O in 32 bits environment? In the past a bigger buffer was better. Is that still true?
Microsoft systems seems to react very different from good 'old' IBM mainframe environment, where the slowest device gets the highest priority. On Microsoft I experienced big trouble if you do what helps on IBM, but perhaps things changed in newer releases?
I am running a CPU bound DOS task on Vista, sometimes Win8. The tester has a kind of multi processing system with Win8. How is it possible to speed up the task, creating a faster throughput?
Thanks for any tips!
I was asked by a tester if it was possible to get a higher throughput on a multi-processor system. In a single thread on his system, the cpu% was never higher than 30%. He says multi thread programs are able to get near 100%. What can I do to create multi-threading programs?
Also if I can split a task into more than one, is it possible to communicatie between threads? If yes, how? Do I need some assembly or is there as system call for?
Also how can you enhance I-O in 32 bits environment? In the past a bigger buffer was better. Is that still true?
Microsoft systems seems to react very different from good 'old' IBM mainframe environment, where the slowest device gets the highest priority. On Microsoft I experienced big trouble if you do what helps on IBM, but perhaps things changed in newer releases?
I am running a CPU bound DOS task on Vista, sometimes Win8. The tester has a kind of multi processing system with Win8. How is it possible to speed up the task, creating a faster throughput?
Thanks for any tips!