Aplogies if these have already been answered, but as you know the search facility is down at the moment
1. Does a select statement that is populating a recordset run faster when only those fields required are named than when * is coded
2. When you run a select statement where only 1 record is on the table does it run faster when TOP 1 is coded. i.e.
("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [competitor_sites] _ WHERE [site_id] = " & rs18roadside!site_id & ""
faster than
("SELECT * FROM [competitor_sites] _ WHERE [site_id] = " & rs18roadside!site_id & ""
1. Does a select statement that is populating a recordset run faster when only those fields required are named than when * is coded
2. When you run a select statement where only 1 record is on the table does it run faster when TOP 1 is coded. i.e.
("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [competitor_sites] _ WHERE [site_id] = " & rs18roadside!site_id & ""
faster than
("SELECT * FROM [competitor_sites] _ WHERE [site_id] = " & rs18roadside!site_id & ""