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Perform automatic backup... Please Help 1

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Jun 12, 2002
Hi! I need some advice on how to go about running an automatic backup of my database. The steps I will need to perform are:

1. Copy Oracle-linked table to local table
2. Refresh all relationships and queries
3. Compress the database (Optional)
4. Save and make into a .MDE file
5. Backup the MDE file on several computers on the network

I need to put the MDE file on other computers in case of network problems. I would like to delete the linked table after it is copied, to reduce file size and network traffic. If I do delete the linked table, I must re-link it automatically when the next backup is performed.

This would be no problem for me to do manually, but I am leaving in a few weeks and would like to put it all in one module for the secretaries to run 3 times a day, so all they had to do was click a button and be done. If anyone could give me advice on just one of the steps it would make things go much more smoothly.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Copying the linked database shouldn't be too hard.

1st, turn off access warnings:

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

Next, delete all of the records in the current copy:

DoCmd.RunSQL ("Delete * from TableCopy;")

After that, copy from the linked table:

DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO TableCopy _
SELECT Table.* FROM Table;")

Finally, turn warnings back on:

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

I can't test that out from work, but it should be ok.

As long as you don't delete your copied table, you won't need to reset any relationships. I don't think that you can compress the table without closing down the database (and thus stopping your code), so you might have to nix that one.

I don't know enough VBA to tell you how to make MDE files or distribute them accross a network, but I am sure that somebody here does.


Thanks Derik!

I think I have found a way to compact the database, using DoCmd.RunCommand(acCmdCompactDatabase), and make an MDE file using DoCmd.RunCommand(acCmdMakeMDEFile), so that takes care of #'s 3 and 4.

Now to save them across a network...

Thanks again!

Hi Brad,
I tried using the DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCompactDatabase. But i get an error message saying I cannot use this option by runnig a macro or VB code. How can it be done?

Thanks in advance. Hope it helps. Let me know what happens.
With regards,
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