Crystal Reports 8.5
The report is a Vendor Performance Report, in the report I have the Vendor number, description of what was ordered, when the vendor promised the item to be delivered, when it was actually delivered, if it was delivered on time or before the delivery date (formula) how many days early/on time was it. If it was late, how many days late (formula). I also created formulas for true or false – if the product was delivered on time or not. I was hoping to use the true/false formulas to get a percentage of on time delivery and late delivery, however I can not figure out how to do that. Is there another way to get a percentage for on time delivery and late delivery?
See attached MS Doc for a sample of what the report looks like (I hope the doc is there for you to see)
As you can see the percentage is not correct for the On-time column. I know I don’t have the formula correct, any help would be greatly appreciated! I also want to surpress the 0 in the On-time and Late delivery columns. I don’t want to add up the days late or on time. And if it on-time/early I do not want a 0 in the False column for that item.
Once I have the report correct with the Percentage I will hide the true and false fields.
Thanks in advance for any assistance here.