I have two issues, if anyone can assist with.
I have created a calculated field in report studio, which is aggregated up, using x%= (percentage ([Price)] for [Financial Year]).
This is rounding up/down to the nearest integer. How do i stop/control this? As is giving incorrect figures.
Second issue is the running-difference ([x %] for [x Name]) when comparing to a period which has no data/or is null is returning incorrect data. E.g should return 4% instead returning 8% etc
Help would be appreiciated
I have two issues, if anyone can assist with.
I have created a calculated field in report studio, which is aggregated up, using x%= (percentage ([Price)] for [Financial Year]).
This is rounding up/down to the nearest integer. How do i stop/control this? As is giving incorrect figures.
Second issue is the running-difference ([x %] for [x Name]) when comparing to a period which has no data/or is null is returning incorrect data. E.g should return 4% instead returning 8% etc
Help would be appreiciated