I have many percentage formulas in a report footer that are not calculating correctly. I tried PercentOfSum, but I don't think I used it right as the values all equaled zero. Here is an example of one of the formulas:
If Sum ({@dollartot}, {JOINALLSales Journal.customer id}= 0)
Then 0
Else 100*(Sum ({@samplestot}, {JOINALLSales Journal.customer id})/Sum ({@dollartot}, {JOINALLSales Journal.customer id
What am I missing here? Thanks!
If Sum ({@dollartot}, {JOINALLSales Journal.customer id}= 0)
Then 0
Else 100*(Sum ({@samplestot}, {JOINALLSales Journal.customer id})/Sum ({@dollartot}, {JOINALLSales Journal.customer id
What am I missing here? Thanks!